May 25 2005
DuPont Engineering Polymers (EP) recently successfully started up the first HTN high performance polyamide continuous polymerizer (CP) plant in Richmond, Virginia. The plant produced its first quality polymer three days after start-up."This is a significant accomplishment for DuPont Engineering Polymers," said Terry Caloghiris, vice president and general manager, DuPont Engineering Polymers. "It's a major step forward in our growth as we continue to drive breakout performance."
With the plant's patented continuous polymerizer technology, EP is able to increase its capacity to produce consistent high quality product to meet customer needs.
"The project team did an excellent job of meeting business needs and design and construction objectives at a fast pace," said Bob Heffelfinger, business engineering manager, DuPont Performance Materials.
"We're proud of the many members of the integrated team who made this possible, including colleagues from DuPont Technology, Engineering and Operations worked seamlessly and tirelessly to design, build and start up this new process," said Jay Valvo, site manager, DuPont™ Zytel® – Richmond.
As trends continue towards products with a lower cost, lighter weight, smaller size and the ability to withstand higher temperatures, demand will continue to grow for stiff and strong plastic parts that maintain their performance and dimensions in a wide range of environments.
"HTN is well positioned to continue double-digit growth while meeting demanding application needs in the automotive, electrical, electronics, and other markets," said Clive Robertson, HTN venture manager.