Intertronics provides quality adhesive solutions for high performance, high technology assembly industries. The company develops products to address the constantly-varying demands of the industry.
Intertronics is offering the DYMAX 2000-PC lamp for applications including UV bonding, encapsulating and sealing. It is an entry level lamp being offered at a low cost. The DYMAX 2000-PC has the ability to provide an intensity of 75 mW/cm² over a working area of zszs200x200 mm. The equipment provides fast cure speeds and features single-part dispensing facility. The curing process takes place within seconds instead of the conventional time period in terms of hours. Further, mess can be eliminated during the curing process.
A range of accessories are available for the DYMAX 2000-PC lamp. They include shutters and mounting stands that can be retro-fitted. The 2000-PC has a 400 W metal halide lamp, which has a warranted life of 2000 h.
The Intertronics Technology Centre in Oxford is offering the DYMAX 2000-PC lamps for performing trials and demonstrations.
UV curing demonstrates significant advantages when used for curing adhesives, inks and coatings. The curing process can be used in various assembly industries including automotive, optical, medical and electronic device industries. UV curing can help shorten the time required for a production cycle and also improves the quality of the product. This will also lead to reduction in production costs.