PI Ceramic, a leading manufacturer of piezoceramic precision actuators, materials, and piezo-mechanical sub-assemblies has released a new catalog called "Piezoelectric Actuators".
The new 70 page document can be ordered by mail or downloaded as a PDF file from the PI Ceramic (PIC) website. It covers standard actuators, custom capabilities (from PZT powder to finished piezo mechanic sub-assemblies) and explains the piezo manufacturing process and background information in a detailed tutorial part.
Applications of Piezo Positioning Technology
Piezoelectric positioners are used in physics research, aerospace, astronomy, semiconductor manufacturing, materials research, precision automation and nanotechnology applications.
100 Billion Cycles
Standard products include classical piezo stacks (for high-force applications) as well as the highly reliable PICMA multilayer actuators that completed more than 100 Billion cycles (100,000,000,000) in reliability tests conducted by NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab. These ceramic encapsulated actuators are now also available with a hermetically sealed metal case, for high-humidity and all-weather applications.
A new manufacturing technique allows the production of low-voltage bimorph bender actuators in many different shapes including disks with central hole.
Lead Free Piezo Actuators and Materials
New lead-free piezo actuators and high-linearity materials are also covered as well as electronic piezo drivers, controllers and charge amplifiers that increase the dynamic linearity of piezo operation.
A new tutorial explains the manufacturing process, operation and applications of the different types of piezo actuators in detail.
Recent Expansion
The company just completed its third recent expansion, adding 55,000 ft2 with a new building for manufacturing and R&D. With more than 200 employees and capability to process over 50 tons of piezo material per year, PI Ceramic as become the global leader in high-end piezo assemblies for actuator and sensor applications.
The piezo actuator catalog can be downloaded at http://www.piceramic.com/piezo_news_more.php?newsid=21&onl_prw