Imagine you could flip a switch and abruptly increase the sensitivity of a SPECTRO ICP-OES by an order of magnitude. Suddenly your ICP instrument has advanced into the sensitivity range of a glow discharge sector field mass spectrometer. You can not only forgo use of a tongue twisting name with 40 letters, but also save two thirds of your material analysis instrument costs.
And just think about it, you no longer have to digest your ceramic and metallic samples before ICP analysis. Instead of tedious preparation, you just press a button and, in less than 2 minutes, you’re done.
This technology is already available – and we’d like to show it to you in our free Webinar. The technology is called electrothermal vaporization or ETV. Solid samples are vaporized in a graphite furnace with up to 3,000 degrees Celsius and transported as an argon aerosol to the ICP OES.
Nothing is diluted. Completely new detection limits can be achieved!
Nothing is complexly digested. The sample is vaporized and transported to the analytical instrument in seconds. There is even an autosampler.
Skeptics are also welcome to join our Webinar on November 22, 2012. Let yourself be convinced: Today’s ETV systems have nothing to do with the tubing and cable chaos from the beginnings of this technology.
Our ICP OES experts lead you through the Webinar that take you deep into the new detection limits in trace ICP OES analysis of materials.