Significant changes will enhance the experience of attendees at the 29th International Symposium on MicroScale Bioseparations, to be held March 10-14, 2013 at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. The updated conference format is designed to increase the focus and depth of technical presentations and create energetic and informed discussion among attendees.
Changes to the program, which covers all aspects of capillary-scale separations, hyphenated detection methods and micro- and nano-fluidics, include: emphasizing discussion after presentations, which will be led by session chairs; adding a layer of confidentiality, to provide greater comfort with the presentation of unpublished work; and expanding the presentation base, with 70 percent of the program developed from submitted abstracts. Abstract submission deadline is December 1st.
Registration will be limited to 375 participants, to establish vigorous scientific exchange between delegates. An enhanced abstract submission protocol requires figures, methods and a description of novelty to assist the blind peer review process in ensuring that very high caliber of science is presented. The top three posters at the conference, as judged by a committee of peers, will be acknowledged through both awards and the opportunity for oral presentation during the last session of the conference.
The University of Virginia (UVA), a historic venue, provides an academic environment that will foster discussion and enable the easy integration of a social program to transport scientific discussion into the evening. The setting reflects the emphasis being placed on student participation. All participants will have the same designation, providing an equal opportunity to debate. Special rates are offered to encourage the participation of multiple students from any one lab, and student travel grants are being made available for those who must travel long distances.
"We are looking forward to a deeply engaging, scientifically rewarding gathering of the microscale separation community," said conference co-chair Jeff Chapman, director of marketing, Beckman Coulter Life Sciences. "Attendees at this year’s meeting will find much to absorb, and be hosted by a wonderful campus and community."
Outstanding contributions to the field of electrophoresis separation techniques will be honored with the second annual presentation of The Arnold O. Beckman Medal and Award. Nominees will have made outstanding career achievements supported by a significant lifelong body of work, with particular consideration being given to the development of new methods, techniques and high-impact applications.
Detailed information about the conference, including a preliminary program and submission guidelines, is available online at