Harmonic Energy to Choose Partners for Tyre Projects in North America and Europe

Harmonic Energy Inc. is a company focused on vertically integrated tyre manufacturing and recycling using an innovative approach to energy efficiency and sustainability. Harmonic is pleased to announce that it has short listed several highly qualified engineering firms as potential partners for the development and construction of its tyre projects in North America and Europe.

"Since taking over Harmonic just 15 months ago, the company has made significant strides towards fulfilling its corporate goals and objectives. We want to assure our shareholders that our business plan is on schedule and we are progressing very well with financiers," said Jamie Mann, CEO of Harmonic Energy. "We have smoothly transitioned ASUV out of the oil and gas industry and we believe in a very short period of time have transformed the company into a forward-thinking, cutting-edge tyre technology company that has a highly scalable, advanced tyre technology platform." Unlike other companies in our sector, Harmonic is focused purely on a single application, vertically integrated tyre manufacturing and recycling, using the most efficient practices and best available technologies. We firmly believe this platform delivers better and higher value end products with much lower costs allowing the company to thrive without the need for recycling subsidies. Based on these efforts, research and commercial installations we believe our technology approach and solutions platform offers the most profitable closed loop tyre recycling solution on the market today.

The discussion with several engineering, procurement, construction management firms has begun and the company is focused on working with those firms that are interested in developing a long term relationship so that Harmonic can reutilize the skill sets applied and used on each project. By doing so, follow on projects will benefit from significantly reduced costs and faster project development timelines. By reducing costs and timelines we can aggressively achieve greater success and complete more projects in less time and build more value for our company and its shareholders. Harmonic has the intent to build many projects over the next few years and believes the engineering and construction relationship is a critical part of our on-going business.

Harmonic's proven technology platform operates in a continuous and fully automated batch system which is uniquely able to process whole tyres unlike other technologies that require tyres to be shredded prior to being recycled which adds significant cost advantages for ASUV. Harmonic's planned flagship facilities will each recycle in excess of 150 tons of tyres per day, and will house a tyre remanufacturing plant for the reconstruction of approximately 1 million new tyres using quality brand name casings. The facilities will feature an integrated pyrolysis and gasification system that reduces the unusable tyre casings into approximately 10,000 tons of purified and refined nano carbon, 14,000 tons diesel oil and 3,300 tons steel with surplus electrical energy of approximately 3.0 MWe being utilized on site or exported to the local grid.

Jamie Mann said, "After much positioning, negotiating and due diligence on tyre technologies and the waste tyre industry, ASUV is pleased that the business plan is progressing and that discussions on engineering and equipment tendering has begun; we are talking to some of the brightest and most experienced companies in their sector." Harmonic has already developed a pipeline of follow on projects for a world-wide roll out. Harmonic's CEO adds, "Ten of our facilities would still only be able to process one percent of the world's scrap tyres, that's how big the problem (and the potential) is!"

Tyres are a highly problematic waste stream for all countries to contend with and current management solutions are either wasteful (monofill), over supplied (tyre chip and rubber crumb) or emission heavy (TDF for the cement and paper industry). The latter is about to be severely restricted in the US by newly proposed EPA regulations changing the waste status of TDF and demanding much greater emission controls. With landfill and incineration banned in the UK as in the rest of Europe there is insufficient domestic capacity in either the US or UK to deal with the 400,000,000 scrap tyres they collectively produce on an annual basis. Harmonic is solely focused on scrap tyres as a feedstock due to the attractive returns achievable and the significant volumes of waste tyres available.

ASUV believes that its vertically integrated tyre manufacturing and recycling systems hold the key to a profitable, sustainable market for the growth of a greener tyre manufacturing sector. ASUV plans to compete alongside major international corporations striving for more sustainable tyre manufacturing solutions and commodities, such as Titan International Inc, Continental AG, and Bridgestone Corporation.

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