HORIBA Scientific (HORIBA), global leader in Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectrometry (GDOES), announces a new patented process for fast sputtering of polymers and polymeric containing layers by glow discharge spectrometry.
In Glow Discharge, the material of interest is sputtered using pulsed Radio Frequency plasma; the sputtered species are excited by the same plasma and simultaneously measured in real time with a spectrometer providing elemental composition depth profiles.
The analytical benefits of the new development, first presented in 2012 at HORIBA’s international GD Day, include not only a gain in speed, but also a parallel gain in sensitivity. It also offers fast access to embedded interfaces located below a thick organic layer.
Applications range from automotive organic layers to encapsulated PV cells, and even DVDs. In the last example, nanometre depth resolution was demonstrated below a top layer of 70 microns thickness.
About Horiba
HORIBA Scientific is the new global team created to better meet customers’ present and future needs by integrating the scientific market expertise and resources of HORIBA. HORIBA Scientific offerings encompass elemental analysis, fluorescence, forensics, GDS, ICP, particle characterization, Raman, spectral ellipsometry, sulfur-in-oil, water quality, and XRF.
Prominent absorbed brands include Jobin Yvon, Glen Spectra, IBH, SPEX, Instruments S.A, ISA, Dilor, Sofie, SLM, and Beta Scientific. By combining the strengths of the research, development, applications, sales, service and support organizations of all, HORIBA Scientific offers researchers the best products and solutions while expanding our superior service and support with a truly global network.