Hidden and installed hardly visible - yet extremely effective. Optical UV/Vis/NIR immersion probes from Hellma Analytics are among the analytical core pieces of innovative process analysis systems in the food industry.
With optical immersion probes especially, a very efficient process management is possible. Thus manufacturing processes or quality processes can be monitored and operated in real-time. In the long run, not only a better understanding of the process will evolve but also a decrease of production periods due to minimizing of errors and the possibility to react to changes immediately. In most applications, an increase of the output quantity and at the same time less spin-off products is possible.
Furthermore, the examination and documentation of quality parameters can be organized very efficiently. Life cycle calculations prove that process costs will be reduced demonstrably. The return of invest for a system is often only two years, which makes it possible to operate production facilities even more efficiently.
Hellma Analytics immersion probes fulfill the food industry’s high standards using hygienic design and materials resistant to SIP/CIP that can individually be adjusted to each process.
About Hellma Analytics
Hellma Analytics develops and distributes cuvettes and optical components for laboratory equipment in modern analysis technology.
Hellma Analytics specialise in:
- Chemical and pharmaceuticals
- biotechnology
- food industry
- health care
- environment