We are currently celebrating our 10th year in business working with Elvatech providing a range of EDXRF analysis equipment.
Working with a number of sales & service providers within the US we have decades of combined experience on EDXRF equipment for both metals analysis and plating thickness including factory training on the Elvatech, Seiko, Veeco and Twin Cities equipment.
We also provide standards for a wide range of XRF applications. Whether you are looking for new or used equipment, standards, applications support or repair service for an existing system, we can help provide the best solutions.
As the exclusive representative for Elvatech we are proud to offer their full line of XRF analysis equipment from desktop to handheld systems. A family of state of the art portable x-ray fluorescence analyzers. These analyzers provide fast and precise quantitative analysis of elemental compositions. This innovative product from Elvatech, Inc. provides competitive performance at a competitive price.
Capable of detecting elements from Mg to Pu the ElvaX systems applications include: Precious and Non-Precious Metals analysis, RoHS/WEEE and Prop 65 Compliance, Lead and Cadmium in a wide range of products, Environmental testing, Art and Archeology, Mining, Building Materials, Scientific Research and more.