Jul 1 2014
About 1500 European companies, research institutes and Universities got together in consortia and submitted Expressions of Interest indicating their readiness to propose in 2014 at least 74 R&D projects with a total of 2.9 Billion euro eligible costs to be funded through the new ECSEL Joint Undertaking (JU).
This participation would oversubscribe about 4 times the budgeted public incentives, creating a solid basis for selecting the most innovative and impactful proposals in the two open and competitive calls for proposals to be launched by ECSEL JU on 9 July 2014.
Andreas Wild, the designated Executive Director of the ECSEL JU, said: “The response to our invitation to submit an Expression of Interest has been unprecedentedly strong, highlighting the confidence of the stakeholders in ECSEL’s capability to deliver, but also their high expectations. We are fully committed to induce alignment of the national and European strategies and priorities, to use public funding to leverage increased private engagement, and to elevate the European R&D&I to the next level, ensuring unrestricted access to state-of-the art components and systems inducing innovation in all industries and all aspect of societal life”.
The ECSEL JU programme is described in the Multi Annual Strategic Plan (MASP) emphasizing large innovation actions, driving towards industrial maturity break through results generated by smaller research and innovation actions. The drafts of the MASP and of the Work Plan 2014 are available on the ECSEL JU website. They will be submitted to the ECSEL Governing Board for approval shortly.
The “Electronic Components and Systems for European Leadership” (ECSEL) is a Joint Undertaking under Art. 187 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union; it is established by the Council Regulation (EU) No 561/2014 that entered into power on 27 June 2014. It is a public-private partnership contributing to the implementation of the European “Horizon 2020” programme. In the period 2014-2020 ECSEL will engage up to 1.17 billion euro Union funding and combine it with at least the same amount of national/regional funding to leverage about 5 billion euro R&D investments in nanoelectronics, embedded and cyber-physical systems, and system integration technologies. The R&D actors are represented by the associations AENEAS, ARTEMISIA and EPoSS.