The Gasmet Technologies (UK) stands (Nos. 38 & 39) at AQE 2018 will focus on continuous emissions monitoring systems (CEMS) for a wide variety of parameters including mercury.
In January this year, Gasmet announced that the CMMS (Continuous Mercury Monitoring System) had successfully completed EN15267-3 testing and now provides the lowest EN15267 certified range for measurements of Mercury. The instrument is certified for operation across a number of different ranges up to 1000 µg/m3, but importantly, the lowest range is 0 to 5 µg/m3. This means that the Gasmet CMMS is able to monitor at the low levels that are increasingly being required by environmental permits.
Gasmet Technologies (formerly Quantitech) is able to design, install and commission bespoke MCERTS approved CEMS for all specified parameters including particulates. These systems include the latest FTIR technology, the CEMS IIe, as well as MCERTS approved analysers for TOC and oxygen.
In addition to CEMS, Gasmet also provides the unique DX4000 portable FTIR analyser, and a portable ambient/workplace version of this technology will be available on the stand. Experts from Gasmet will be available to help customers choose the best monitoring technology for their application.