AMETEK STC has been a proven supplier for over 50 years to the cement industry, from mining to loading trucks with cement. AMETEK STC has released a brochure providing an overview of the process and the solutions available for end-users focused on the continuous process of cement manufacturing.
The Cement industry is known for its extreme working conditions and the wear on the instrumentation. Heavy, dusty, hard material and sintering temperatures up to 1480°C (2700°F) means that position monitoring, level measurement and cable protection equipment is set for a rough test every single day.
The brochure offers illustrations of the working process and outlines ideal instrumentation solutions from mining, quarries, limestone or clay processes including sintering to silo storage and the production and delivery of cement. The various applications will often have several suggestions to products, as the individual solutions will vary depending on the exact demands, but the reader will achieve an excellent overview of the line of products that will do the job and provide accuracy and longevity even in the roughest conditions.
The variety of instrumentation spans from Catrac cable management systems, rugged cable or grounding reels from Hunter Spring, Drexelbrook radar and point level detection, pressure gauges from U.S.Gauge, Factory Automation rotary limit switches providing safety to cranes, linear feedback transducers to perform position monitoring on hydraulic cylinders and industrial breaks.