HORIBA Scientific, a global leader in Raman solutions, is pleased announce that Dr. Linda Kidder, Life Science Business Development Manager from HORIBA Scientific in the US, and Dr. Thibault Brule, Raman Applications Scientist from HORIBA France, will be presenting a webinar entitled, “Life Science with Light: Chromatography-free Analytical Solutions. The webinar is in partnership with Spectroscopy Magazine, and will be held on Monday, June 22nd at 2:00 PM EDT/11:00 AM PDT.
This webcast will demonstrate the use of a two-in-one fluorescence and absorbance spectrometer for highly sensitive and rapid A-TEEM molecular fingerprinting, applied to cell culture media component analysis and vaccine production endpoint QC/QA. Presenters will also discuss how Raman microscopy and Surface Plasmon Resonance imaging (SPR) can be used to characterize cells and tissue, and biomolecular interactions, respectively, and how nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA) can reduce the vaccine titer process step from days to minutes, and can also be used to characterize aggregates in biotherapeutic formulations.
The webinar is recommended for:
- Virology researchers in industry and academia
- Biopharmaceutical & biotechnology analytical scientists
- PAT and QC for pharmaceutical manufacturing and real time product release
- Process R&D scientists in the biopharmaceutical industry
- Biological sciences researchers in industry and academia
- Formulation scientists working with vaccines and protein therapeutics.
To register for the free webinar, please go to: Webinar Registration