Malvern Launch Chromatography Option for Zetasizer Nano Particle Sizer at Pittcon

Launched at Pittcon 2007 (25 Feb - 2 Mar 07; Chicago, USA) the new ‘chromatography flow-mode’ option for Malvern’s market-leading Zetasizer Nano particle and molecular characterization system, enables its use as an in-line chromatography detector for protein applications.

A significant new development, ‘chromatography flow-mode’ permits the coupling of dynamic light scattering with size exclusion chromatography, conferring the ability to perform Absolute Size Exclusion Chromatography (ASEC). This allows protein size to be measured directly rather than relying on column calibration or additional data from a second detector, and means that molecular weight standards are no longer required to identify oligomeric species or determine protein purity.

To use the Zetasizer Nano as an absolute light scattering detector it simply needs to be connected after the last detector in a size exclusion chromatography (SEC) system. The instrument can be added to any SEC set-up; no column calibration is required and the Zetasizer Nano’s software makes the entire measurement process simple and straightforward. For the majority of protein separations in aqueous media, no extra parameters are required. Size is plotted in real time as material is eluted from the column, and the molecular weight of each peak is calculated automatically at the end of the measurement.

The Zetasizer Nano was designed specifically to meet the low concentration and small sample volume requirements of protein and other biomolecular applications and is now in widespread use. It is by applying the system’s patented optical design and high sensitivity capabilities to real time flow measurements that Malvern has facilitated the Zetasizer Nano’s use as a chromatography detector, providing a major new tool for protein researchers.

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