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ExxonMobil Qulaify Steam Cracking Feedstocks

ExxonMobil Chemical qualified more than 100 new steam-cracking feedstocks of varying qualities from around the world to run in its plants in 2006. The energy efficiency of its steam crackers has improved by almost 10 percent over the past four years.

Feedstock flexibility and energy efficiency are contributing to ExxonMobil Chemical's success, Senior Vice President Sherman Glass, Jr., today told the participants at CMAI's 22nd Annual World Petrochemical Conference and Workshops in Houston.

In his discussion of the factors important to long-term success in the petrochemical business, Glass said that among the most important are:

  • flexibility to capitalize on differences in the availability, quality and cost of feedstocks;
  • a steady reduction in the use of energy, which also has the benefit of lower emissions;
  • a relentless focus on costs, efficiency, reliability and safety; and
  • the use of state-of-the-art technologies to meet the changing needs of customers.

The full text of his presentation is available at w_SJG_032107.asp (Due to its length, this URL may need to be copied/pasted into your Internet browser's address field. Remove the extra space if one exists.)

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