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KSV Multipurpose Tensiometer Available Through Scientific Solutions

Scientific Solutions has an exclusive distribution agreement with KSV Instruments, Finland as the national Australian and New Zealand distributor of all KSV products.

The Sigma 701 is a multipurpose tensiometer based on the Sigma 700 but equipped with a more sensitive microbalance optimized for a different range of applications. It can be upgraded from basic tensiometer to fully-equipped R&D workhorse to cover most of the mass-based methods you might need. It can run two dispensers simultaneously for CMC measurements and the high resolution balance makes it possible to measure single fibers only a few microns in diameter. The Sigma 701 is an excellent tool for those looking for a high performance with high resolution, user-friendly, standard tensiometer, as well as for anyone looking for exacting performance and precision in high-end applications requiring resolution higher than that traditionally available.

Features of the KSV Sigma 701 include:

  • Large working space – wide opening doors
  • Dispenser and inert-gas ports
  • LED illumination of measuring compartment
  • Built in stirrer – no moving parts – no magnetic field during measurement
  • Built in connectors for temperature and pH sensors
  • Auto-locking & auto-calibrating microbalance
  • Static charge eliminator
  • High speed/extended length movement of sample stage
  • Small and light measuring capability (e.g. single fibres)
  • Thermal separation space between balance and measuring compartment
  • Removable measuring compartment for customized future measuring options such as Langmuir studies, high temperature applications, bursting membrane tests and X-Y sample positioning
  • Enlarged pull-down sub-window for on-line viewing of selected data
  • Optional synchronized dual dispenser software for dilution CMC measurements of highly concentrated solutions

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