Jul 19 2007
Entegris announced today a major win from a large semiconductor manufacturer based in Asia for approximately 16,000 units of its Spectra™ Front Opening Unified Pod (FOUP). The customer will use the FOUPs, which are slated for delivery beginning in the current quarter, to protect and transport silicon wafers throughout its manufacturing process.
The Spectra™ line of 300 mm wafer carriers allows semiconductor manufacturers to increase yields by decreasing the contamination that contributes to yield loss. The carrier, which holds up to 26 wafers, limits contact to the wafer edges, thus avoiding potential damage to the back sides of the wafers. The high-performance unit is made from ultrapure materials and features an extremely precise interface to other semiconductor equipment. It is purge-capable and has an electro-static discharge shell option for added wafer protection.
"Semiconductor manufacturers recognize Entegris as a proven partner in helping them protect the integrity of their products," said Jean-Marc Pandraud, chief operating officer for Entegris. "The Spectra FOUP continues that reputation by offering the most robust wafer transport at a time when manufacturers are facing increased challenges with smaller linewidths and greater contamination potential. Spectra delivers a clean and secure environment and optimum automation integration at a low cost of ownership."