Jul 20 2007
Aerofoam Metals Inc.
is pleased to announce that it has established
AeroArmor Vehicles Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary, for the purpose of
manufacturing, marketing, and distributing various classes of armored vehicles
for a variety of specialized applications.
AeroArmor Vehicles Ltd. will manufacture 6
classes of armored vehicles and 1 armored amphibious unit - Strathcona(TM),
Hussar(TM), Vandoos(TM), Stegos(TM), Cambrian(TM), Garry Horse(TM), and Swamp
Fox(TM) - each with customized elements for the final use.
"We are going at this very aggressively to establish AeroArmor Vehicles
Ltd. as the pre-imminent armored vehicle company in the industry. Utilizing
Aerometal(TM) will enable AeroArmor to manufacturer lighter, faster vehicles
for maximum evasion and avoidance capability while offering superior ballistic
and blast mitigation attributes. The Aerometal(TM) will give us this distinct
competitive edge in the industry. We will be building up and out as quickly as
possible to supply the great demand in the marketplace," said Paul Colacci,
President and Head of Product Demand for Aerofoam Metals Inc.