It is a known fact that price, but perhaps more importantly, performance, is the driving factor for every new product acquisition you make. How critical is measurement control and accuracy to your laboratory experiment or industrial process? It is important. If flow readings are off or the flow is not controlled with precise accuracy, then research is compromised, processes loose inefficiency, and product quality is affected.
What Type of Flow Meter Technology Should You Select for the Highest Accuracy?
Competitive “indirect-type” mass flow measurement techniques — like differential pressure instruments that boast speed as the critical factor — are capable of measuring only volumetric flow and must calculate mass flow. Thermal mass flow technology, however, is an industry standard for mass flow control of gases due to its ability to measure flow directly at the molecular level. In essence, counting and controlling every gas molecule passing through the device to attain unmatched precision.
How Capillary Thermal Mass Flow Controller Technology Works
The molecular mass or weight of the flowing gas is what users really care about to optimize their flow process. Since thermal mass flow controllers can measure the mass flow rate of a gas directly, they are not affected by pressure or temperature effects. It does not matter how cold or hot the gas is or what pressure fluctuations may be taking place upstream. Users always obtain smooth, steady, accurate, and extremely reliable gas mass flow rate where they need it, every time.
For more than four decades, Sierra has been a pioneer in the development of precision gas mass flow controllers (MFC). Today, the breadth and depth of Sierra’s high-performance SmartTrak mass flow controller lineup, with more than 100,000 successful installations, proves that the company never lets up.
This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by Sierra Instruments.
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