What is a CSTR?

Continuous Stirred Tank Reactors (CSTR) and standard batch reactors are two types of chemical reactors frequently used in industry and research applications.

What are the Benefits of Using a CSTR Over a Standard Batch Reactor?

The main benefits of using a CSTR in place of a standard batch reactor are as follows:

  • Continuous Operation: A CSTR performs continuously, meaning the reaction mixture flows constantly throughout the reactor. This facilitates an improved and efficient use of resources and can bring about greater product yields.
  • Consistent Product Quality: Because a CSTR can function continuously, it can ensure more consistent product quality than a batch reactor, which may produce more variations in final product quality from batch to batch.
  • Better Heat Transfer: CSTRs have improved heat transfer properties compared to batch reactors. Therefore, heat is more easily transferred, which allows it to be removed from the reaction mixture. This can prevent overheating and improve reaction efficiency.
  • More Precise Control: Control of a CSTR can be more precise than that of a batch reactor, which can make results more accurate and reproducible. For instance, the flow rate of reactants and catalysts can be modified to optimize the reaction conditions.
  • Scalability: CSTRs can be easily scaled up or down depending on the production requirements, making them a dynamic choice for use in industrial applications.

How Does a CSTR Work?

Controlling the input/output flow rates into/out of the reactor allows chemists to monitor and adjust reactant concentrations easily, enabling greater accuracy when conducting complex reactions. The stirring of solutions within the reactor evenly mixes the reactants to deliver consistent products across different batches.

Since reactions occur in real-time within CSTRs, their residence times are significantly reduced, in contrast to batch processing methods. This leads to a considerable decrease in reaction times while increasing throughputs, which speeds up overall production processes and makes them more economical for manufacturers.

The fReactor developed by the University of Leeds and Asynt, utilizes a distinct type of CSTR that is compact and easy to use. It incorporates a modular design that facilitates customized configurations, as users can easily change the reactor size to suit their specific needs. Moreover, the fReactor can be used with various types of stirrers and heating systems, making it a dynamic choice for a broad range of applications.

In the short video below, Asynt demonstrates how the fReactor CSTR modules offer effective mixing processes:

Asynt | Watch the fReactor Flow Chemistry platform in action

Video Credit: Asynt

Understanding the Physics of Cascade CSTRs and the fReactor Classic

Overall, continuous stirred tank reactors deliver advantages that give chemists greater control over reactant concentrations, more efficient stirring for even distribution, and reduced reaction times in contrast to conventional batch-processing methods. With their enhanced abilities, it is easy to see why the popularity of CSTRs is increasing amongst today’s chemists.

The dedicated fReactor Classic website, administered by Prof. Nikil Kapur and Prof. John Blacker, the platform's inventors at the iPRD, University of Leeds, allows chemists to understand how the system utilizes cascade CSTRs. Here, you can find a wealth of information and resources, including the Modeler, as shown below.

What is a CSTR?

Image Credit: Asynt

The team explains how the cascade of these CSTRs in fReactor delivers incredibly effective and accurate mixing:

“A single well mixed reactor (a continuous stirred tank reactor – CSTR) means an incoming ‘element’ of fluid is instantaneously mixed into the reaction mixture within the reactor. Since there is a steady flow, then for every incoming ‘element’ there has to be an outgoing ‘element’. With good mixing, important for uniform reaction conditions, there is chance that the incoming ‘element’ almost immediately leaves in the outgoing stream. Equally, the ‘element’ may spend a long time in the reactor. It is just like a bag of balls where you drop a ball in, shake it and immediately select one at random to be the one that leaves. Some balls spend only a small amount of time in there whilst some will spending a long time – it really is just a game of chance and probability.”

“But by cascading the reactors together minimizes the odds of our ‘element’ passing straight through the cascade of reactors. There are well established models that predict this (and the fReactors have been shown to fit this model in this paper ) – the app mentioned above lets you explore these models for yourself.”

References & Further Reading:

  1. Pittaway, P. M. (2023) Continuous synthesis of block copolymer nanoparticles via telescoped RAFT solution and dispersion polymerization in a miniature CSTR cascade. Reaction Chemistry and Engineering. Issue 3. DOI: 10.1039/d2re00475e.


This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by Asynt.

For more information on this source, please visit Asynt.


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    Asynt. 2024. What is a CSTR?. AZoM, viewed 07 September 2024, https://www.azom.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=23667.

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