Insights from industry

Particle Size Analysis: Focus on the Essentials with the New CAMSIZER S1

insights from industryKai DüffelsApplication ScientistMICROTRAC

Please tell me about yourself and your role at Microtrac.

My name is Kai Düffels, and I have been an Application Scientist at MICROTRAC in Haan, Germany, for nearly 20 years. I specialize in working with CAMSIZER instruments. Our team provides expert guidance to customers in selecting the most suitable measurement technologies and supports them in developing tailored methods for their applications.

Can you introduce the Camsizer S1 and explain how it fits into Microtrac’s lineup of particle size and shape analyzers?

The CAMSIZER S1 is a significant new addition to our particle size and shape analysis product line. It is specifically designed to cater to a broad range of applications as an efficient entry-level device for dynamic image analysis. Customers who primarily use the device for quality control or to replace traditional sieve analysis will especially benefit from the CAMSIZER S1. With its 12.4 Megapixel camera—the highest resolution among dynamic image analyzers on the market—measurements are now faster and easier than ever before.

Image Credit: MICROTRAC

The Camsizer S1 is described as focusing on the essentials of dynamic image analysis. Could you elaborate on what these "essentials" are and why they are important for quality control applications?

With over 20 years of experience in dynamic image analysis, we understand that these devices are primarily used for quality control or process monitoring. Our goal was to develop a device that offers the best possible price-to-performance ratio for these specific applications without compromising the renowned quality of the CAMSIZER series.

How does the single-camera design of the Camsizer S1 differ from the dual-camera systems used in the Camsizer 3D and X2, and what are the key advantages of this simpler design?

The two-camera system was originally developed to measure wide distributions in a single run without hardware adjustments. This principle remains essential, particularly for many powder samples. However, with advancements in camera technology, we can now achieve a measuring range with a one-camera system that covers a wide range of standard CAMSIZER applications. Additionally, customers can use their own peripherals. While many CAMSIZER devices require specialized hardware and powerful computers, the CAMSIZER S1 operates efficiently with a standard Windows laptop, needing only two USB ports.

What types of customers or industries are you targeting with this model, and how does it meet their specific needs?

Our primary customers are from industrial sectors where quality control and high sample throughput are essential. The applications are diverse, including materials such as sand, fertilizers, salts, sugar, building materials, reflective beads, and more. The CAMSIZER S1 is particularly well-suited for free-flowing bulk materials.

Image Credit: MICROTRAC

Can you explain how the Camsizer S1 maintains high-quality imaging and precise results despite being a more streamlined and cost-effective model?

With the CAMSIZER S1, we successfully combined high-resolution camera technology with a large field of view. One of its predecessor models, the CAMSIZER P4, used two 1.3-megapixel cameras to evaluate 78 megapixels per second. In contrast, the CAMSIZER S1 achieves an impressive 372 frames per second.

The Camsizer S1 has excellent repeatability, particularly with materials like sand and fertilizer. What makes the S1 so reliable for these routine measurements?

In image analysis, it is important to measure many particles in a short time. The more particles, the better the statistical relevance of the result and the better the repeatability. We optimize our devices for this, for example, through a large field of view and fast recording rates.

One of the Camsizer S1's highlighted features is its ease of use. Could you discuss how this user-friendly approach impacts laboratory workflows and overall efficiency?

We try to offer software that is process-oriented and requires as little interaction as possible. The required methods are stored, so even people who do not normally work in a laboratory environment can carry out analyses after a short briefing. The relevant parameters are immediately visible after the measurement, and the software can automatically check product specifications.

Image Credit: MICROTRAC

The Camsizer S1 is designed to deliver results that correlate well with traditional sieve analysis. How does this correlation enhance its utility for labs transitioning from older methods to digital image analysis?

Maintaining comparability is crucial, as many product specifications are based on traditional sieve analysis, which cannot be altered without complications. With CAMSIZER analysis, these specifications can be preserved. The correlation between the two methods is extremely robust and has been a reliable feature of the CAMSIZER series for many years.

How do you see the Camsizer S1 contributing to the broader strategy of Microtrac, particularly in terms of attracting new customers and retaining existing ones?

We want to develop versatile instruments that deliver consistently good data quality. The CAMSIZER S1 opens new possibilities for us, as it offers an affordable entry into dynamic image analysis for customers who have previously shied away from the acquisition costs. Now, you can get image analysis at the usual high CAMSIZER quality, which is optimized exactly for your requirements, without compromising on the results.

What has been the initial feedback from customers who have adopted the Camsizer S1, and are there any success stories you could share?

We have presented the CAMSIZER S1 to many customers and have received very positive feedback. Customers with a high sample throughput are especially enthusiastic about the capabilities of the measuring device. Customers who already have other CAMSIZER devices are impressed by the consistency of the measurement data.

Looking ahead, how do you envision the Camsizer S1 evolving, and what new features or capabilities might we expect in future iterations?

We are currently very well positioned with the CAMSIZER series and can measure particles from 0.8 μm to 135 mm with dynamic image analysis. We have been keeping a very close eye on the market and the requirements of our customers, which has led us to develop the CAMSIZER S1. We will continue to do so and can look forward to what the future holds.

About Kai 

Kai Düffels has worked as an Application Scientist at MICROTRAC in Haan, Germany, for nearly 20 years. He specializes in working with CAMSIZER instruments and was instrumental in the development of the Camsizer S1 to offer customers a new solution adapted to the essential needs of particle size and shape analysis.




This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by Microtrac.

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