ASME – The American Society of Mechanical Engineers


Founded in 1880 as the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, today's ASME is a 120,000-member professional organization focused on technical, educational and research issues of the engineering and technology community. ASME conducts one of the world's largest technical publishing operations, holds numerous technical conferences worldwide, and offers hundreds of professional development courses each year. ASME sets internationally recognized industrial and manufacturing codes and standards that enhance public safety.

ASME Vision

ASME’s vision is to be the premier organization for promoting the art, science and practice of mechanical and multidisciplinary engineering and allied sciences to our diverse communities throughout the world.

ASME Mission Statement

ASME’s mission is to promote and enhance the technical competency and professional well-being of our members, and through quality programs and activities in mechanical engineering, better enable its practitioners to contribute to the well-being of humankind.

ASME Core Values

In performing its mission, ASME adheres to these core values:

        Embrace integrity and ethical conduct

        Embrace diversity and respect the dignity and culture of all people

        Nurture and treasure the environment and our natural and man-made resources

        Facilitate the development, dissemination and application of engineering knowledge

        Promote the benefits of continuing education and of engineering education

        Respect and document engineering history while continually embracing change

        Promote the technical and societal contribution of engineers

ASME Credo

ASME’s credo is to set the standard…

… in Engineering Excellence
… in Knowledge, Community & Advocacy
… for the benefit of humanity

Source: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers

For more information on this source please visit The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

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