Dec 27 2010
Eiji Higuchi, Masahiro Ieguchi and Hiroshi Inoue
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AZojomo (ISSN
1833-122X) Volume 6 December 2010
Topics Covered
IntroductionExperimental Preparation and Evaluation of
Pt-Ni/Ni Electrochemical
MeasurementsResults and
Discussions Characterization
of Deposit Prepared by Casting 1 or 2 mM PtCl62- Solution
on a Ni Substrate HOR Activity
of Bare and CO-Adsorbed Pt-Ni (1 mM) / Ni and Pt-Ni (2 mM) / Ni
Electrodes CO Tolerance of
Pt-Ni (1 mM) / Ni and Pt-Ni (2 mM) / Ni
Electrodes HVs for the HOR at
CO-Adsorbed Pt-Ni/Ni Electrode at Different TemperaturesConclusionsAcknowledgmentReferencesContact Details
Two kinds of Pt-Ni alloy nanoparticles were prepared by casting a 1 or 2 mM
PtCl62- solution on a Ni substrate. The lower
concentration of the PtCl62- solution led to the lower Pt
content in the alloy nanoparticles. Hydrodynamic voltammograms (HVs) of the
hydrogen oxidation reaction (HOR) at the Pt-Ni(1 mM)/Ni and Pt-Ni(2 mM)/Ni
electrodes with and without CO exposure clearly demonstrated that both
electrodes have much higher tolerance to CO poisoning than the polycrystalline
Pt electrode. Pt4f core level peaks in X-ray photoelectron spectra for the
Pt-Ni(1 mM)/Ni and Pt-Ni(2 mM)/Ni before the HOR shifted to higher binding
energies, suggesting the increased d vacancy in the valence band 5d orbital of
Pt. Thus, which chemical adsorption of CO on Pt atoms is weaken and CO coverage
decreased. Moreover, irrespective of CO exposure, the HOR activity for the
Pt-Ni(1 mM)/Ni electrode at 40°C and 60°C was higher than that of Pt-Ni(1 mM)/Ni
at 25°C.
Fuel Cells, Catalysis, Electrode Materials, Metals and Alloys
Polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs) are at present attracting considerable
interest as a primary power source for zero emission electric vehicles and
residential co-generation systems due to their high energy efficiency. In PEFCs,
Pt or Pt-based alloys are used as active anode electrocatalysts for the hydrogen
oxidation reaction (HOR). Pt is the most active element for HOR, but it is very
expensive and has lower CO tolerance. A strategy for overcoming these problems
is to alloy Pt with foreign metals. A Pt-Ru alloy is the best electrocatalyst
developed to date [1-3]; however, from the viewpoint of low cost, Pt-based
alloys with non-precious metals such as Co, Fe, or Ni as the second element are
more attractive and also have good CO tolerance (e.g., Pt-Fe, Pt-Co, and Pt-Ni)
Spontaneous deposition is a simple and unique method that is based on a redox
reaction with the aid of a potential gap as the driving force [12–19]. For
example, Pt4+ ions are reduced by Cu adatoms deposited by
underpotential deposition. As a result, the Cu monolayer is exchanged with the
Pt monolayer. It has been reported that spontaneous deposition can also be used
to prepare not only monolayers but also multilayers, and that the resultant
bimetallic catalysts have high activity for reactions including HOR,
O2 reduction, and CO oxidation [18-20]. The deposition method does
not require any reductant that would have to be removed from the final product,
thus resulting in savings of time and cost. We have succeeded in preparing Pt-Ni
alloy nanoparticles on the surface of a metallic Ni substrate with the
deposition method and found that the particle size and composition of the
resulting alloys could be controlled by varying the concentration of
PtCl62- used as a precursor complex [21]. Moreover, the
Pt-Ni alloy nanoparticles showed higher electrocatalytic activity in methanol
oxidation and oxygen reduction reactions than Pt [21, 22]. In the present study,
we prepare two kinds of Pt-Ni/Ni electrodes using different concentrations of
PtCl62- solutions and demonstrate that these electrodes
have much higher activity for HOR than the polycrystalline Pt electrode at
different temperatures, even when they have been pre-exposed to CO.
Preparation and Evaluation of Pt-Ni/Ni
A Ni column with a diameter of 5 mm and height of 5 mm was used as a
substrate in the present study. The Pt-Ni alloy nanoparticles were deposited on
the Ni column, followed by heat-treating at 500°C for 1 h in an H2 atmosphere
according to the previous paper [21]. 1 or 2 mM potassium chloroplatinate,
referred to as 1 or 2 mM PtCl62- solution hereafter, was
used as a precursor. The deposits are referred to as Pt-Ni(1 mM)/Ni and Pt-Ni(2
mM)/Ni hereafter.
The morphology of the deposits on the Ni substrate was observed using a
field-emission scanning electron microscope (SEM). Structural analysis of the
deposits was carried out using an X-ray diffractometer equipped with a CuKa
source (? = 0.1541 nm, 50 kV, 30 mA). The surface chemical states of the
Pt-Ni/Ni electrodes were measured by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The
X-ray source was MgKa (1253.6 eV) operating at 8 kV and 30 mA. The base pressure
of the system was 1.33 ×10-7 Pa. The deconvolution of the measured Pt
4f spectra of each species was carried out according to Refs [23, 24].
Background removal was carried out using the Shirley baseline method [25]. For
quantitative evaluation, literature values of atomic sensitivity factors (ASF)
for Pt 4f and Ni 2p were used [26]. This simple relationship permits estimations
of the composition of Pt and Ni.
Electrochemical Measurements
A rotating disk electrode (RDE) apparatus with a gas-tight Pyrex glass cell
was used to examine the HOR activity of the Pt-Ni/Ni electrodes. Each Pt-Ni/Ni
electrode was fixed on a Cu rotating rod (diameter: 5 mm) with a shrinkable tube
and then used as the rotating working electrode. The side of the Ni substrate
was sealed with a methyl methacrylate polymer thin film. On the other hand, Pt
plate with a diameter of 0.6 mm (Pt disk electrode, BAS) as a polycrystalline Pt
was used for comparison. A Pt plate and a reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE)
were used as the counter and reference electrodes, respectively. The 0.05 M
H2SO4 aqueous solution was prepared from reagent grade
chemicals and Milli-Q water.
Prior to the HOR experiments, potential cycling between 0.05 and 1.2 V at 20
mV s-1 in Ar-saturated 0.05 M H2SO4 aqueous
solution at 25°C was performed 10 times for each electrode. The
electrochemically active surface area (EASA) of Pt was evaluated based on the
electric charge for hydrogen desorption in the positive-going potential scan
from 0.05 to 1.2 V in cyclic voltammograms (CVs) measured at a sweep rate of 20
mV s-1, assuming 210 µC cm-2 for smooth polycrystalline
Pt. After bubbling H2 in 0.05 M H2SO4 aqueous solution for
30 min, hydrodynamic voltammograms (HVs) for the HOR at the working disk
electrode were recorded by sweeping the potential from 0 to 0.1 V at 1 mV
s-1 at 25 – 60°C under rotating rates of 3600 to 400 rpm. In order to
investigate the CO tolerance of each Pt-Ni/Ni electrode, each working electrode
was immersed into a 0.05 M H2SO4 aqueous solution
saturated with 99.9% CO at 25°C for 60 min with keeping a potential of 0.05 V
vs. RHE before recording HVs in the H-saturated 0.05 M
H2SO4 aqueous solution.
Results and Discussions
Characterization of Deposit Prepared by Casting 1 or 2 mM
PtCl62- Solution on a Ni Substrate
Figure 1 shows SEM images of Pt-Ni(1 mM)/Ni and Pt-Ni(2 mM)/Ni. The
morphology and size of deposits on the Ni substrate seem to depend on the
concentration of PtCl62- solutions as a precursor. For the
Pt-Ni(1 mM)/Ni, nanoparticles with an average size of ca. 30 nm were distributed
uniformly onto the Ni substrate surface. For the Pt-Ni(2 mM)/Ni, leaf-like
deposits were observed in addition to nanoparticles deposited over the surface
of the Ni substrate.
XRD patterns of Pt-Ni(1 mM)/Ni and Pt-Ni(2mM)/Ni are shown in Fig. 2. Typically,
Pt had a face-centered cubic (fcc) structure, and the diffraction peak assigned
to the (111) plane of the fcc structure was observed at 2θ = 39.8° (Fig.2
(c). Each diffraction peak in Fig. 2 (a) and (b) was shifted to higher diffraction
angles than the Pt(111) peak, suggesting the formation of not pure Pt but alloys
of Pt and Ni. The degree of peak shift for the Pt-Ni(2 mM)/Ni was larger than
that for the Pt-Ni(1 mM)/Ni. Table 1 lists the lattice constant, alloy composition
determined with Vegard’s equation [21], and crystallite size determined with
Scherrer’s equation [21] for each sample. Pt content in alloys for the Pt-Ni(2
mM)/Ni was higher than that for the Pt-Ni(1 mM)/Ni, leading to lower lattice
constant. The crystallite size of Pt-Ni(1 mM)/Ni and Pt-Ni(2 mM)/Ni was 8.5
nm and 9.4 nm, respectively.
Figure 1. SEM images of (a) Pt-Ni (1 mM)/Ni and (b) Pt-Ni
(2 mM)/Ni.
Table 1. Lattice constant (a), composition, crystallite
size (d) and surface content of Pt and Ni for Pt-Ni (1 mM) / Ni and Pt-Ni (2 mM)
/ Ni
Sample |
a |
Composition |
d |
Pt :
Ni |
nm |
nm |
% |
Pt-Ni (1 mM) |
0.3896 |
Pt0.96Ni0.04 |
8.5 |
68:32 |
Pt-Ni (2 mM) |
0.3888 |
Pt0.94Ni0.06 |
9.4 |
70:30 |
Figure 2. XRD patterns of (a) Pt-Ni (1 mM)/Ni, (b) Pt-Ni
(2 mM)/Ni and (c) polycrystalline Pt .
HOR Activity of Bare and CO-Adsorbed Pt-Ni (1 mM) / Ni and
Pt-Ni (2 mM) / Ni Electrodes
Figure 3 shows CVs (10th cycle) of the Pt-Ni(1 mM)/Ni and Pt-Ni(2 mM)/Ni
electrodes in an Ar-saturated 0.05 M H2SO4 aqueous
solution. Both CVs had a large oxidation peak at ca. 0.5 V in the 1st cycle due
to the dissolution and subsequent passivation of Ni, and this peak almost
disappeared in the 2nd cycle. In the 10th cycle, as shown in Fig. 3, both CVs
were similar to that of a polycrystalline Pt electrode, exhibiting reversible
waves assigned to the adsorption/desorption of atomic hydrogen at potentials
less positive than 0.4 V vs. RHE. Based on the electric charge required for
hydrogen adsorption/desorption in each CV, we evaluated the EASA of each
electrode. The EASA and roughness factor were 0.41 cmcm2 and 2.1 for
the Pt-Ni(1 mM)/Ni electrode and 0.69 cm2 and 3.5 for the Pt-Ni(2
mM)/Ni electrode. The EASA was increased with increasing concentration of the
PtCl62- solution due to the increase in the amount of
deposited Pt.
Figure 4 shows the HVs of the Pt-Ni(1 mM)/Ni and Pt-Ni(2 mM)/Ni electrodes in
an H2-saturated 0.05 M H2SO4 solution at a
sweep rate of 1 mV s-1. In both cases, each HV was similar to that of
the polycrystalline Pt electrode although the current density for the Pt-Ni/Ni
electrodes at smaller overpotentials was slightly lower than that for the
polycrystalline Pt electrode. Moreover, in both cases, the current due to the
HOR commences at ca. 0 V vs. RHE irrespective of rotating speed and reaches the
diffusion limit at approximately 0.05 V, which is similar to the polycrystalline
Pt electrode.
Figure 3. CVs (tenth cycle) of (a) Pt-Ni(1 mM)/Ni and (b)
Pt-Ni(2 mM)/Ni electrodes in an Ar-saturated 0.05 M H2SO4
aqueous solution at 25°C. Scan rate = 20 mV s-1.
Figure 4. HVs for HOR at various rotating speeds for (a)
Pt-Ni(1 mM)/Ni and (b) Pt-Ni(2 mM)/Ni electrodes in an H2-saturated
0.05 M H2SO4 aqueous solution.
Figure 5 shows Levich-Koutecky plots at various potentials for each Pt-Ni/Ni
electrode. The number of electrons (n) involved in the HOR was determined from a
slope of each linear Levich-Koutecky plot. In both cases, the n value was
approximately 2, which agrees well with the theoretical value for the HOR. We
determined the kinetically controlled current density, jK, by using the equation
jK = (IL·I)/[(IL–I)(1/SPt)], where I,
IL and SPt are the measured current, limiting diffusion
current and EASA, respectively. Plots of E - log (jK), known as Tafel plots, are
shown in Fig. 6. For all electrodes, a linear relationship holds in the
potential range from ca. 0.02 V to 0.05 V vs. RHE. At any potential, the jK
values of the Pt-Ni/Ni electrodes were slightly lower than that of the Pt
electrode. Igarashi et al. have reported that under conditions free of CO, the
HOR activity of Pt-Ni alloy is slightly lower than that of Pt at 26°C [27]. The
Tafel slope of the polycrystalline Pt electrode was ca. 30 mV dec–1,
which is in agreement with the value reported for a pure Pt electrode at 30°C in
0.1 M HClO4 solution [10]. The following reactions are known to occur
in the HOR.
H2 + 2M → 2MH
H2 + M → MH + H+
+ e- (2)
2MH →
M + H+ + e- (3)
Figure 5. Levich-Koutecky plots for various potentials in
Fig. 4 for (a) Pt-Ni(1 mM)/Ni and (b) Pt-Ni(2 mM)/Ni electrodes
Figure 6. Tafel plots for Pt-Ni(1 mM)/Ni, Pt-Ni(2 mM)/Ni
and polycrystalline Pt electrodes in an HH2-saturated 0.05 M
H2SO4 aqueous solution.
There are two mechanisms for the HOR, namely, the Tafel-Volmer mechanism
(eqs. (1)–(3)) and Heyrovsky-Volmer mechanism (eqs. (2)–(3)). It has been shown
that the HOR on Pt proceeds through the Tafel-Volmer mechanism at small
overpotentials and through the Heyrovsky-Volmer mechanism at ? > 50 mV [28].
The Tafel slope of 30 mV dec–1 for the polycrystalline Pt electrode
indicates that the dissociative adsorption of H2 on Pt, the Tafel
reaction (eq. (1)), was the rate-determining step (rds). For the Pt-Ni(1 mM)/Ni
and Pt-Ni(2 mM)/Ni electrodes, the Tafel slope was ca. 30 mV dec–1 in
the potential rage from ca. 0.02 to 0.05 V, suggesting that the mechanism and
rds of the HOR at the Pt-Ni/Ni electrodes were the same as those at the
polycrystalline Pt electrode.
Figure 7. X-ray photoelectron spectra of Pt4f for (a)
Pt-Ni(1 mM)/Ni and (b) Pt-Ni(2 mM)/Ni electrodes after 10 potential cycles
X-ray photoelectron spectra of Pt4f on the surface of the Pt-Ni(1 mM)/Ni, and
Pt-Ni(2 mM)/Ni electrodes after the potential sweeps of 10 cycles in an
Ar-saturated 0.05 M H2SO4 aqueous solution are shown in
Fig. 7. Two Pt4f peaks in each spectrum are assigned to those of Pt0 [29], while
there are no peaks assigned to Pt oxides, suggesting that the surface Pt atoms
were not oxidized. Moreover, the Pt4f peaks are shifted to higher binding
energies than those of the polycrystalline Pt, which has also been observed for
other Pt-Ni/Ni electrodes before potential cycling. As shown in Fig. 7, the
shift of the Pt4f peaks is around 0.2 eV for the Pt-Ni(1 mM)/Ni and Pt-Ni(2
mM)/Ni electrodes, which strongly suggests that the electronic structure of the
Pt sites on the Pt-Ni alloy nanoparticle surface with higher Ni contents is
different of that of inherent Pt. Some research groups have reported that Pt
skin and Pt skeleton layers formed on the Pt-based alloys had the modified
electronic structures, resulting in chemical shifts to higher binding energies
[30, 31]. The chemical shift indicates a lowering of the Fermi level or an
increasing of d vacancy in the valence band 5d orbital of the surface Pt, which
have been shown to be responsible for the improvement of electrocatalytic
activity and stability against methanol oxidation [21, 22, 32].
CO Tolerance of Pt-Ni (1 mM) / Ni and Pt-Ni (2 mM) / Ni
In order to investigate the CO tolerance of the Pt-Ni/Ni electrodes, the
Pt-Ni/Ni and polycrystalline Pt electrodes were immersed in a CO-saturated 0.05
M H2SO4 aqueous solution before the evaluation of HOR
activity. Figure 8 shows HVs at 1600 rpm in an H2-saturated 0.05 M
H2SO4 aqueous solution for the Pt-Ni/Ni and Pt electrodes
with and without CO exposure. It is well known that CO is strongly adsorbed on
Pt. As shown in Fig. 8(c), the polycrystalline Pt electrode completely lost HOR
activity after CO exposure. On the other hand, the Pt-Ni(1 mM)/Ni and Pt-Ni(2
mM)/Ni electrodes clearly exhibited current density due to the HOR after CO
exposure, as shown in Fig. 8(a) and Fig. 8(b). These results suggest that the
adsorption of CO on the surface Pt sites of the Pt-Ni nanoparticles was
weakened, and the coverage with CO was less extensive. Figure 7 clearly shows
that the electronic structure of the surface Pt sites of Pt-Ni(1 mM)/Ni and
Pt-Ni(2 mM)/Ni was modified or the d vacancy in the valence band 5d orbital
increased, which were likely responsible for the remarkable CO tolerance.
Tafel plots for the Pt-Ni/Ni and polycrystalline Pt electrodes that were
pre-exposed to CO are shown in Fig. 9. For all electrodes, a linear relationship
holds in the potential range from ca. 0.02 V to 0.05 V vs. RHE, as was the case
for electrodes without CO exposure. The Pt-Ni(1 mM)/Ni and Pt-Ni(2 mM)/Ni
electrodes had HOR activity that was much more tolerant to CO poisoning than the
polycrystalline Pt electrodes, which is likely attributable to the positive Pt4f
core level shift of ca. 0.2 eV.
As shown in Fig. 9, the Tafel slope of each Pt-Ni/Ni electrode after CO
exposure was ca. 38 mV dec–1, which was similar to that (30 mV dec-1)
of the electrodes without CO exposure, suggesting that the mechanism and rate
determining step (rds) of the HOR at the Pt-Ni/Ni electrodes were not affected
by CO exposure.
HVs for the HOR at CO-Adsorbed Pt-Ni/Ni Electrode at
Different Temperatures
In order to investigate the temperature dependence of CO tolerance for
Pt-Ni/Ni electrodes, the Pt-Ni(1 mM)/Ni electrode was immersed in a CO-saturated
0.05 M H2SO4 aqueous solution before evaluating HOR
activity at 25 – 60 °C. Figure 10 shows HVs at 1600 rpm in
H2-saturated 0.05 M H2SO4 aqueous solution at
various temperatures for the Pt-Ni(1 mM)/Ni electrode with and without CO
exposure. The Pt-Ni(1 mM)/Ni electrode at 40°C and 60°C clearly exhibited
current density due to the HOR even after CO exposure, as shown in Fig. 10.
Irrespective of CO exposure, the HOR activity for the Pt-Ni(1 mM)/Ni electrode
at 40°C and 60°C was higher than that of Pt-Ni(1 mM)/Ni at 25°C. These results
indicate that the adsorption of CO on the surface Pt sites of the Pt-Ni
nanoparticles was weakened, and the coverage with CO was still less extensive at
elevated temperature.
Figure 8. HVs at 1600 rpm for (a) Pt-Ni(1 mM)/Ni, (b)
Pt-Ni(2 mM)/Ni and (c) polycrystalline Pt electrodes with and without CO
exposure in an H2-saturated 0.05 M H2SO4
aqueous solution.
Tafel plots for the Pt-Ni(1 mM)/Ni electrode with CO exposure are shown in
Fig. 11. For all temperature, a linear relationship holds in the potential range
from ca. 0.02 V to 0.05 V vs. RHE, as was the case for electrodes without CO
exposure. As shown in Fig. 11, the Tafel slope of Pt-Ni/Ni electrode at all the
temperatures after CO exposure was ca. 30 mV dec–1, suggesting that
the mechanism and rds of the HOR at the Pt-Ni/Ni electrodes were not affected by
CO exposure.
Figure 9. Tafel plots for CO-adsorbed Pt-Ni(1 mM)/Ni,
Pt-Ni(2 mM)/Ni and polycrystalline Pt electrodes in an HH2-saturated
0.05 M H2SO4 aqueous solution. Rotating speed = 1600
Figure 10. HVs at various temperatures for Pt-Ni(1 mM)/Ni
electrode with and without CO exposure in H2-saturated 0.05 M
H2SO4 aqueous solution. Rotating speed = 1600 rpm
Figure 11. Tafel plots for the Pt-Ni(1 mM)/Ni electrode
with CO exposure at various temperatures. Rotating speed = 1600 rpm
The results obtained in the present study are summarized as follows.
1) Pt-Ni alloy nanoparticles are prepared by casting 1 and 2 mM
PtCl62- solution on a Ni substrate and the Pt content for
the former is higher than that for the latter.
2) XRD spectra of Pt-Ni(1 mM)/Ni and Pt-Ni(2 mM)/Ni show that their
diffraction peaks shift to higher diffraction angles than the (111) peak of pure
Pt, suggesting the formation of not pure Pt but alloys of Pt and Ni.
3) X-ray photoelectron spectra of Pt-Ni(1 mM)/Ni and Pt-Ni(2 mM)/Ni show that
Pt4f peaks shift to higher binding energies due to the increased d vacancy in
the valence band 5d orbital of Pt, which weakens the chemical adsorption of CO
or decreases CO coverage.
4) HVs in an H2-saturated 0.05 M H2SO4
aqueous solution show that even after CO exposure, the Pt-Ni(1 mM)/Ni and
Pt-Ni(2 mM)/Ni electrodes have much smaller loss of HOR activity than the
polycrystalline Pt electrode, indicating clearly that the former is superior to
the latter in terms of CO tolerance.
5) Irrespective of CO exposure, the HOR activity for the Pt-Ni(1 mM)/Ni
electrode at 40°C and 60°C is higher than that of Pt-Ni(1 mM)/Ni at 25°C,
indicating that the adsorption of CO on the surface Pt sites of the Pt-Ni
nanoparticles is weakened, and the coverage with CO is still less extensive at
elevated temperature.
This work was partly supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B),
No. 17360358, from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
Technology of Japan.
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Contact Details
Eiji Higuchi, Masahiro Ieguchi and Hiroshi Inoue
Department of
Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering,
Osaka Prefecture
University, Sakai, Osaka 599-8531, Japan
This paper was also published in print form in "Advances in
Technology of Materials and Materials Processing", 12[2] (2010)