Books | Nanotechnology

Nanotechnology Books

Nanotechnology Books


Nanocatalysis is one of the most exciting subfields to have emerged from nanoscience. Its central aim is the control of chemical reactions by changing the size, dimensionality, chemical composition and morphology of the reaction center and by changing the kinetics using nanopatterning of the reaction centers. This approach opens up new avenues for atom-by-atom design of nanocatalysts with distinct and tunable chemical activity, specificity, and selectivity. This book is intended to give a pedagogical and methodological overview of this exciting and growing field and to highlight specific examples of current research. In this way, it serves both as an instructive introduction for graduate students who plan to enter the field and as a reference work for scientists already active in this and related areas.

Ceramic Nanocomposites

In comparison with conventional ceramic matrix composites, ceramic nanocomposites have improved hardness, strength, creep resistance and toughness. Ceramic nanocomposites provides insight into the structure and properties of these nanocomposites as well as manufacturing and applications.

Carbon Nanotubes And Graphene For Photonic Applications

Graphene and carbon nanotubes have excellent optical properties making them suitable for a range of photonic applications.

Photon-based Nanoscience and Nanobiotechnology

The intention of this book was to provide the Reader, primarily graduate students and young researchers in materials engineering, bio(chem)physics, medical physics and biophysics, with a set of articles reviewing state-of-the art research and recent advancements in the field of photon-matter interaction for micro/nanomaterials synthesis and manipulation of properties of biological and inorganic materials at the atomic level. Photon-based nanoscience and related technologies have created exciting opportunities for the fabrication and characterization of nano(bio)material devices and systems, and it is expected to significantly contribute to the development of Nanobiophotonics and Nanomedicine.

Synthesis Techniques for Polymer Nanocomposites

Summarizing all the most important synthesis techniques used in the lab as well as in industry, this book is comprehensive in its coverage from chemical, physical and mechanical viewpoints. In a self-contained manner, the text guides readers in choosing the correct synthesis routes, such as suspension and miniemulsion polymerization, living polymerization, sonication, mechanical methods or the use of radiation, and so achieve the desired composite properties.

Light Scattering in Solids IX

This is the ninth volume of a well-established series in which expert practitioners discuss topical aspects of light scattering in solids. It reviews recent developments concerning mainly semiconductor nanostructures and inelastic x-ray scattering, including both coherent time-domain and spontaneous scattering studies.

Advances in Nanomaterials and Nanostructures: Ceramic Transactions, Volume 229

This book contains 17 papers from the Controlled Processing of Nanoparticle-based Materials and Nanostructured Films; Nanotechnology for Energy, Healthcare, and Industry; and Nanolaminated Ternary Carbides and Nitrides (MAX Phases) symposia held during the 2010 Materials Science and Technology (MS&T'10) meeting, October 17-21, 2010, Houston, Texas.

Nanotechnology for the Energy Challenge, 2nd Edition

With the daunting energy challenges faced by Mankind in the 21st century, revolutionary new technologies will be the key to a clean, secure and sustainable energy future. Nanostructures often have surprising and very useful capabilities and are thus paving the way for new methodologies in almost every kind of industry.

Scanning Microscopy for Nanotechnology

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) can be exploited not only for nanomaterials characterization but also integrated with new technologies for in-situ nanomaterials engineering and manipulation. Scanning Microscopy for Nanotechnology addresses the rapid development of these techniques for nanotechnology, in both technique and application chapters by leading practitioners. The book covers topics including nanomaterials imaging, X-ray microanalysis, high-resolution SEM, low kV SEM, cryo-SEM, as well as new techniques such as electron back scatter diffraction (EBSD) and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM).

Hydrogen Materials Science and Chemistry of Carbon Nanomaterials

Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Hydrogen Materials Science and Chemistry of Carbon Nanomaterials

Written for Materials research scientists, physicists, ecologists, hydrogen materials scientists, nuclear engineers, chemists, power engineering specialists, designers of hydrogen transport means.

Applied Scanning Probe Methods V

The volumes V, VI and VII examine the physical and technical foundation for recent progress in applied scanning probe techniques. The first volume came out in January 2004 and the second to fourth volumes in early 2006. The field is progressing so fast that there is a need for a set of volumes every 12 to 18 months to capture latest developments. These volumes constitute a timely comprehensive overview of SPM applications. After introducing scanning probe microscopy, including sensor technology and tip characterization, chapters on use in various industrial applications are presented. Industrial applications span topographic and dynamical surface studies of thin-film semiconductors, polymers, paper, ceramics, and magnetic and biological materials. The chapters have been written by leading researchers and application scientists from all over the world and from various industries to provide a broader perspective.

Electrospinning: Materials, Processing, and Applications

Electrospinning is from the academic as well as technical perspective presently the most versatile technique for the preparation of continuous nanofibers obtained from numerous materials including polymers, metals, and ceramics. Shapes and properties of fibers can be tailored according to the demand of numerous applications including filtration, membranes, textiles, catalysis, reinforcement, or biomedicals.

Nanostructures - Fabrication and Analysis

The main theme of this book is the exploration the underlying physical laws that permit the fabrication of nanometer-scale structures. As researchers attempt to fabricate nanometer-scale structures which do not exist per se, they must still employ the natural laws to fabricate them through processes such as self-assembly. So it turns out that our techniques for fabrication of nanometer-scale structures are not artificial but actually rely on the natural laws. We even find that nanometer-scale structures, e.g. fullerenes, are fabricated in nature beneath the surface of the Earth.

Inorganic Materials Synthesis and Fabrication

This comprehensive volume on the preparation of single-phase inorganic materials covers the most important methods and techniques in solid-state synthesis and materials fabrication, including recent advances in the field. It incorporates both the fundamental background as well as information on advanced methodologies

Nanostructured Coatings

This book gives an insight into a broad range of fields related to hard coatings, from their deposition and characterization up to the hardening and deformation mechanisms allowing the interpretation of results. In addition to the above-mentioned hardness, this type of coating often needs mechanical properties such as excellent adhesion to the substrate and very high fracture toughness and other requirements. Their use in chemical aggressive environments at very high temperatures demand also very high oxidation/corrosion resistance and thermal stability.

Biomedical Nanostructures

Discover how to take full advantage of nanoscale materials in the design and fabrication of leading-edge biomedical devices. The authors introduce you to a variety of possible clinical applications such as drug delivery, diagnostics, and cancer therapy.

Low-Dimensional Molecular Metals

Assimilating new research in the field of low-dimensional metals, this monograph provides a detailed overview of the current status of research on quasi-one- and two-dimensional molecular metals, describing normal-state properties, magnetic field effects, superconductivity, and the phenomena of interacting p and d electrons.

Nanocomposites: In Situ Synthesis of Polymer-Embedded Nanostructures

Polymer nanocomposites, polymers that are reinforced with nano-sized particles, provide enhanced mechanical, thermal, electrical, and barrier properties. Continued research and development of new polymer nanocomposites promises to provide enhanced materials to a broad range of industries, such as plastics, aerospace, automotive, electronics, packaging, and biomedical devices.

Microwaves in Nanoparticle Synthesis: Fundamentals and Applications

For the first time, this comprehensive handbook presents the emerging field of microwave technology for the synthesis of nanoparticles.

Nanoparticles and Occupational Health

This volume, a reprint from a special issue of the Journal of Nanoparticle Research, mainly draws from work presented at the 2005 symposium, diverse but united by the need for a holistic view of nanotechnology and risk.

Metal Nanoparticles and Nanoalloys Volume 3

Metal Nanoparticles and Nanoalloys Volume 3 begins with a tutorial introducing the theoretical ideas and models which have been developed to understand metal nanoparticles. It gives an overview of experimental methods for generating and characterizing metal nanoparticles and nanoalloys and of their properties and applications, providing an introduction to material covered in more depth in subsequent chapters. A major theme of all the chapters is the effect of nanoparticle size, shape and surface chemistry on their properties - especially optical and catalytic properties.

Nanofluids: Science and Technology

Nanofluids are attracting a great deal of interest with their enormous potential to provide enhanced performance properties, particularly with respect to heat transfer. In response, this text takes you on a complete journey into the science and technology of nanofluids. The authors cover both the chemical and physical methods for synthesizing nanofluids, explaining the techniques for creating a stable suspension of nanoparticles. You get an overview of the existing models and experimental techniques used in studying nanofluids, alongside discussions of the challenges and problems associated with some of these models.

Nanomaterials, Nanotechnologies and Design

How could nanotechnology not perk the interest of any designer, engineer or architect? Exploring the intriguing new approaches to design that nanotechnologies offer, Nanomaterials, Nanotechnologies and Design is set against the sometimes fantastic sounding potential of this technology.

Atomic Layer Deposition: Principles, Characteristics, and Nanotechnology Applications, 2nd Edition

Since the first edition was published in 2008, Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) has emerged as a powerful deposition technology. The new edition of this groundbreaking monograph is the first text to review the subject of ALD comprehensively from a practical perspective.

Nanotechnology: Societal Implications

Advances in nanoscience and nanotechnology promise to have major impacts on human health, wealth, and peace in the coming decades. Among the expected breakthroughs are orders of magnitude increases in computer efficiency, human organ restoration using engineered tissue, 'designer' materials created from directed assembly of atoms and molecules, and the emergence of entirely new phenomena in chemistry and physics. This book includes a collection of essays by leading scientists, engineers, and social scientists reviewing the possible uses of these impending technical developments in various industrial, medical, and national security applications, and the corresponding ethical, legal, social, economic, and educational issues that they raise.

CdTe and Related Compounds; Physics, Defects, Hetero- and Nano-structures, Crystal Growth, Surfaces and Applications

Almost thirty years after the remarkable monograph of K. Zanio and the numerous conferences and articles dedicated since that time to CdTe and CdZnTe, after all the significant progresses in that field and the increasing interest in these materials for several extremely attractive industrial applications.

Applied Scanning Probe Methods VI

The volumes V, VI and VII examine the physical and technical foundation for recent progress in applied scanning probe techniques. The first volume came out in January 2004 and the second to fourth volumes in early 2006. The field is progressing so fast that there is a need for a set of volumes every 12 to 18 months to capture latest developments.

Light Alloys, 4th Edition - From Traditional Alloys to Nanocrystals

The definitive overview of the science and metallurgy of aluminum, magnesium, titanium and beryllium alloys, this is the only book available covering the background materials science, properties, manufacturing processes and applications of these key engineering metals in a single accessible volume.

Advances In Polymer Nanocomposites

A new generation of composite materials with improved and new properties have been obtained by the addition of nanoparticles to polymer nanocomposites. Advancements in polymer nanocomposites studies the key types of polymer nanocomposites and their applications.

Magnetic Nanostructures

This volume, written by a team of foremost experts, addresses the exciting and rapidly developing topic of ultrahigh-density magnetic data storage. It combines modern topics in nanomagnetism with issues relating to the fabrication and characterization of magnetic nanostructures. "Magnetic Nanostructures in Ultrahigh-Density Data Storage" will be of interest to R and D scientists in both academia and industry. Graduate students will also find in this book an accessible introduction to the essential issues.

Nano- and Microtechnology from A - Z: From Nanosystems to Colloids and Interfaces

This reference provides brief explanations for the most important terms that may be encountered in a study of the fundamental principles, experimental investigations, and industrial applications of nano- and microscience, including colloid and interface science.

Fundamentals of Friction and Wear

In the past twenty years, powerful tools such as atomic force microscopy have made it possible to accurately investigate the phenomena of friction and wear, down to the nanometer scale. Readers of this book will become familiar with the concepts and techniques of nanotribology, explained by an international team of scientists and engineers, actively involved and with long experience in this field.

Applied Scanning Probe Methods VII

The volumes V, VI and VII examine the physical and technical foundation for recent progress in applied scanning probe techniques. The first volume came out in January 2004 and the second to fourth volumes in early 2006. The field is progressing so fast that there is a need for a set of volumes every 12 to 18 months to capture latest developments.

Nanotechnology in Catalysis 3

This volume continues the tradition formed in Nanotechnology in Catalysis 1 and 2. As with those books, this one is based upon an ACS symposium. Some of the most illustrious names in heterogeneous catalysis are among the contributors. The book covers: Design, synthesis, and control of catalysts at nanoscale; understanding of catalytic reaction at nanometer scale; characterization of nanomaterials as catalysts; nanoparticle metal or metal oxides catalysts; nanomaterials as catalyst supports; new catalytic applications of nanomaterials.

Atomic and Molecular Manipulation Volume 2

This book aims to illustrate the main aspects of this ongoing scientific adventure and to anticipate the major challenges for the future in "Atomic and molecular manipulation" from fundamental knowledge to the fabrication of atomic-scale devices.

Nanoethics: The Ethical and Social Implications of Nanotechnology

Nanoethics seeks to examine the potential risks and rewards of applications of nanotechnology. This up-to-date anthology gives the reader an introduction to and basic foundation in nanotechnology and nanoethics, and then delves into near-, mid-, and far-term issues.

Polymer Nanocomposites by Emulsion and Suspension Polymerization

Until now, most of the published research has been scattered throughout the literature. Polymer Nanocomposites by Emulsion and Suspension Polymerization provides a single comprehensive source of information about one of the most important facets of polymer nanocomposites technology: synthesis in emulsion and suspension. These polymerization methods lead to the generation of the well delaminated polymer nanocomposites with a wide range of polymer matrices.

NanoInnovation: What Every Manager Needs to Know

The innovative, easy-to-read guide to the "nanoscale revolution", this book provides essential knowledge of nanotechnology and clearly explains the fundamentals of nanomaterials and properties. Written by a technology pioneer, the book shows feasible strategies for managers in nanotech companies, including how to communicate with nanotech engineers and developers, coupled with examples of emerging technologies and innovations. A level-headed discussion of critical issues for decision makers and stakeholders rounds off the contents.

Nanotechnology for Electronic Materials and Devices

This book is designed as an introduction for graduate students, engineers, and researchers who want to understand the current status and future trends of micro- and nano-electronic materials and devices. It also serves as an essential reference for nanotechnology "gurus" who need to keep abreast of the latest directions and challenges in microelectronic technology. The viewpoints presented within the book can help to foster further research and cross-disciplinary interactions required to surmount the barriers facing future generations of technology design.

Nanoparticles - Nanocomposites Nanomaterials: An Introduction for Beginners

Meeting the demand for a readily understandable introduction to nanomaterials and nanotechnology, this textbook specifically addresses the needs of students - and engineers - who need to get the gist of nanoscale phenomena in materials without having to delve too deeply into the physical and chemical details.

Electrospun Nanofibres and Their Appications

This full colour Update covers all aspects of electrospinning as used to produce Nanofibres. It contains an array of colour diagrams, mathematical models, equations and detailed references. It will be invaluable to anyone who is interested in using this technique and also to those interested in finding out more about the subject. Electrospinning is the cheapest and the most straightforward way to produce nanomaterials. Electrospun Nanofibres are very important for the scientific and economic revival of developing countries.

Environmentally Friendly Polymer Nanocomposites

Concerns on global warming and the depletion of oil reserves have resulted in considerable amount of research into more sustainable composite materials made from natural materials. Recently, research is focussed on the development of nanoscale reinforcements for this new group of composites, significantly improving and extending their range of desirable properties. Environmentally friendly polymer nanocomposites summarises this wealth of research and its practical implications.

Electrical Resistivity of Thin Metal Films

The physical behaviour of thin films often remarkably deviates from that of the corresponding bulk material. The intent of this book is to report on the electrical, optical, and structural properties of silver and gold films in dependence on substrate material, annealing treatment, and gas adsorption.

BioMEMS and Biomedical Nanotechnology

Volume 1 of the multi-volume reference, BioMEMS and Biomedical Nanotechnology, focuses on synthetic nanodevices and the synthesis of nanomaterials and the generation of nanoscale features. The nanomaterials include polymeric microspheres and nanostructures, carbon nanotubes, silicon, silicon dioxide, and iron oxide. There is also a chapter on the characterization of critical nanostructures for bio applications such as nanochannels and nanopores. The second part involves hybrid synthetic-biomolecular nanodevices that utilize the self assembly properties of both biomolecules and synthetic materials. There is a chapter discussing the structure-function relations between biomolecular (protein) and inorganic interfaces. The third part gives the theoretical underpinning of bio nanodevices covering computation methods, informatics, and mechanics. These fundamentals are critical in designing the next generation nanodevices and also understanding the interaction between nanodevices and biological systems to enable more efficient in vitro and in vivo bio applications.

Nanobiotechnology of Biomimetic Membranes

Nanobiotechnology of Biomimetic Membranes describes the current state of research and development in biomimetic membranes for nanobiotechnology applications. The application areas in nanobiotechnology range from novel nanosensors, to novel methods for sorting and delivering bio-active moleculres, to novel drug-delivery systems. The success of these applications relies on a good understanding of the interaction and incorporation of macromoleculres in membranes and the fundamental properties of the membrane itself.

Nanotechnology In Eco-Efficient Construction

The need for ecofriendly solutions has greatly increased as the environmental impact of existing construction and building materials comes under intense scrutiny. Nanotechnology provides extensive potential in this area and is already being widely used to great success. Nanotechnology in eco-efficient construction is an authoritative guide to the role of nanotechnology in developing eco-efficient construction materials and sustainable construction.

Nanoscale: Issues and Perspectives for the Nano Century

This is a core reference for professionals dealing with nanotechnology, including scientists from academia and industry, policy makers, ethicists and social scientists, safety and risk assessment professionals, investors, and others. It is also an excellent text for students in fields that involve nanotechnology.

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