Hosokawa Micron's Isolator systems can be used to handle products down to 10 ng/m3.
It is essential to attain these ultra high containment levels while handling highly toxic or active chemicals. Hosokawa isolators can be used for both automated and manual handling, and processing procedures and are offered in single units or as multi-cell variants where individual processes are separated by defined barriers.
These are suitable for critical processes such as micronising, drying, dispensing, milling and product pack off.
Unique operational benefits are offered by the isolators, which include:
- Shirt sleeve environment operation
- Reduction of airborne dust for ATEX compliance
- Ergonomical design for user friendly operation
- CIP/SIP options
- Explosion protected
Mobile Isolators
Companies seeking an economical alternative to the stainless steel isolator and a short lead time for trial, testing or production, prefer Hosokawa Micron’s Mobile plug and play isolators, which offer containment levels less than 1mg/m³.
These isolators feature optional glove port positioning, excellent internal visibility and lightweight construction making these isolators highly flexible for use a self-contained workstations. A ‘single use’ variant incorporates a plastic bag canopy into the stainless steel construction.
Static Isolators
These isolators are developed for safe handling of high potency chemicals and other hazardous powders and can offer containment down to nano levels and are normally used in nuclear, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries for charging, sampling, dispensing and packing applications.
Each unit is ergonomically designed for ease of use as it is designed using the latest modeling and insulation software.
Integrated Containment Technology
These Hosokawa Micron Isolators can be designed to contain either Hosokawa or third party processing equipment such as tray driers, micronisers, granulators etc. Hosokawa Micron’s proprietary range of equipment can be specially designed for installation inside an Isolator to offer a bespoke contained processing solution.
Contained Particle Size Reduction System
This innovative processing concept offers flexible milling from coarse size down to ultrafine particles while maintaining OELs of less than 1mg/m3. The system comprises two separate yet interconnected rigid isolator chambers, milling chamber and the product/filter collection chamber.
Three interchangeable mills, mounted on plug and play, wheeled trolleys offer precise milling operations of small gramme sized to production scale lots. The product collection, sub-division and dispensary operations are conducted in separate chambers. Inline laser diffraction analysis or manual sampling options are available. The Contained Particle Size Reduction System has been designed to offer an improved ergonomic and less restrictive working environment for operators, at the same time meeting the most stringent operator exposure levels.
Shielded Isolators
Hosokawa Micron offer a range of off the shelf and bespoke, shielded and nonshielded isolator systems for reprocessing and recovery, MOX fuel manufacture and size reduction of materials for volume reduction, reprocessing and forensic applications.