Standard field strength. Superior NMR data.
The Nanalysis-60 spectrometer, released in March 2025, takes a standard field strength instrument that Nanalysis was known for, and releases it on the same platform as our 100 MHz, offering a compact, easy-to-use product that our customers know, but now with the option for more advanced NMR features including pulse programming, shaped pulses, gradients, data integrity management, etc. and accessories – flow, autosampler, etc.
Compact, Portable and Energy-Efficient
The Nanalysis-60 benchtop NMR spectrometer is compact, portable and easy-to-site. With its all-in-one closure and minimal footprint, and low energy consumption, and the 2 Gauss line contained within the enclosure, the Nanalysis can be plugged into regular power outlets and used at the point of need – whether in a traditional lab, mobile lab van, etc.
User-Friendly and Quick
With superior performance – both improved sensitivity and resolution – data can be acquired quickly. Whether the user wants to select a pre-loaded experiment with recommended acquisition parameters, modify components to optimize their data, or even build their own pulse program, the Nanalysis-60 platform is flexible to meet the needs of a variety of users, regardless of their level of expertise.
Simple Reaction Monitoring
With easy interconversion between standard 5mm NMR tubes and the flow kit, the Nanalysis-60 can easily be made on online reaction monitoring device. With an open API to communicate with external software or onboard modules, to help acquire kinetic data it is easy to generate speciation plots and monitor and/or optimize chemical reactions.
Key Features
- Energy-efficient
- Compact and portable
- Low maintenance
- Large, ergonomic touch screen display
- Limited stray magnetic field (<2 Gauss outside the enclosure)
- Optional software packages to automate your data acquisition and process – including kinetics, qNMR, IQ/OQ etc.
Optional pre-loaded experiments: 1D, 1D{1H}, COSY, TOCSY, JRES, T1, T2, DEPT, APT, HETCOR, HSQC, HSQC-ME, HMBC, NOESY, ROESY, PRESAT, NOESY-PRESAT, DANTE, WET, 1D-CPMG-filter, Nutation (Default experiments are bolded)
- Gradient-based experiments Library: WET, 1D-CPMG-filter, 1D-CPMG-filter-WET, gCOSY, gTOCSY, gHSQC, gHSQC-ME, gHMQC, gHMBC
- Accessories – AUTOsample-60, flow kit
- Easy data access - network printing, export to shared folders
- Output file format Jcamp-dx compatible with most third party processing softwares (e.g., Mnova, ACD/Labs)
- Secure login and user profiles
- Secure Internet-based support (optional)