The Nanalysis-100 is the market-leading benchtop NMR spectrometer, offering the highest field available to collect the superior quality multi-nuclear 1D and 2D NMR data.
Offering the easy-to-use interface from an all-in-one enclosure, the Nanalysis-100 offers:
- Superior sensitivity— samples can be run at sub-milli-molar concentrations and data collected in seconds.
- Ensures unparalleled stability – rendering it easy to site, and easy to generate repeatable, reliable data
- Provides unmatched resolution—optimized chemical shift dispersion
- Ergonomic display—maneuverable, large, easy-to-use external touchscreen computer
Nanalysis-100 Optional Features
- Instrument can be remotely controlled from smartphone, computer, tablet, etc.
- Non-deuterium lock options
- Experiment designer enables users to write their pulse programs
- Pulsed-field gradients for improved water suppression and faster 2D NMR data collection
- IQ/OQ/PQ protocols and other GxP compliant modules
- Kinetics package potentials for monitoring reaction
- Automation packages to generate quantitative NMR data (qNMR) at the click of a button
- Signal suppression
- Users can develop their own applications using the Applications Programmatic Interface (API): refer to NMReady-CONNECT
- Secure login and user profiles with custom project settings
Low Maintenance
The permanent magnet does not require cryogens, preventative maintenance, or weekly servicing. The standard 5-mm NMR tubes and the automated shimming routines enable the Nanalysis-100 to be plugged into standard wall power and used daily without the need for expert staff to maintain it.
Multinuclear Capability
Depending on your need, the Nanalysis-100 can be tuned to a wide range of spin-active nuclei such as 1H, 7Li, 11B, 13C, 15N, 19F, 29Si, 31P, and 129Xe. Inquire to assess if it is suitable for your research program.
Customizable Experience
The Nanalysis-100 has many standard NMR experiments (e.g., 1D, COSY, TOCSY, JRES, T1, T2, DEPT, APT, HETCOR, HSQC, HSQC-ME, HMBC) pre-loaded with recommended acquisition parameters, however they are fully modifiable, enabling users to tailor their experiments to obtain high quality data results right away. The relative composition, purity, and reaction completeness can be monitored and evaluated right in the lab.
Quick and Easy-to-Use
Similar to other instruments in the Nanalysis benchtop NMR series, the integrated touchscreen enables users to load standard experiments directly or to alter vital acquisition parameters. The built-in processing software allows the data to be worked up directly onboard the instrument. This data can then be easily exported for use with third-party programs or printed. The matchless sensitivity of the Nanalysis-100 allows samples to be collected in just a few seconds.