The HPR-60 molecular beam mass spectrometer from Hiden Analytical is a compact skimmer inlet MS that has been developed to analyze reactive gas phase intermediates and atmospheric plasma.

Image Credit: Hiden Analytical
- Catalysis
- Plasma characterization
- Gas separation studies
- Gas reaction kinetics
- Cluster studies
- Environmental monitoring
Radicals are sampled through a multistage differentially pumped skimmer inlet and moved to the MS ion source with the least interaction with other species and in the absence of wall collisions. Customizable inlets enable connection to several different reactor systems, like atmospheric plasmas.
Together with a Hiden triple filter precision mass spectrometer, the skimmer system provides a sampling system with high precision and ultra-quick response.
- Molecular beam sampling provided at atmospheric pressure
- Skimmer cones (can be biased) can be replaced by the user
- Positive and negative ion analysis
- Electron attachment ionization mode available for the study of electro-negative radicals
- Mass range options include 300, 510, or 1000 amu
- Energy range options of 100 eV or 1000 eV
- Comes with APSI-MS soft ionization mode for radicals analysis
The HPR-70 compact bench-top batch inlet gas analysis system from Hiden is appropriate for the analysis of discrete gas samples.

Image Credit: Hiden Analytical
- Local analysis
- Discrete sample analysis
- Sealed volume studies
- Remote sample acquisition
- Quantitative determination
A small amount of gas that is generally at or close to atmospheric pressure is sampled with an automated batch inlet. Following expansion and resultant pressure drop, the gas is examined with the help of a high-sensitivity 500 amu quadrupole mass spectrometer.
A majority of the minor components present in the gas mixture can be quantified at levels of 5 ppm or above.
- 1-L sample reservoir
- 1-mL injection reservoir
- Dual compound turbopumps and oil-free, completely dry backing pump
- Optional calibration lines
- Optional aliquot filling facility is available
- Automatic dosing, expansion, and precise sampling
- Entire sample pressure measurement can be done with a capacitance manometer
The HPR-90 automated package cracking analysis system from Hiden is a complete system that has been improved to analyze the gas present inside sealed volumes like light bulbs.

Image Credit: Hiden Analytical
- Fill gas analysis
- Sealed volume analysis
- Quality control studies
Hiden’s HPR-90 system can be purpose-configured to fit small automobile bulbs through to fluorescent tubes.
This system consists of a triple filter quadrupole mass spectrometer, UHV manifold and sampling system, a piercing unit and all linked control equipment on a mobile cart.
- Hiden HAL 3F or 301 triple filter quadrupole mass spectrometer
- Automated inlet provided with automatic leak valve that includes a calibration gas inlet
- Mass range options up to 1000 amu
- Exchangeable cracking chamber available with cracking mechanism
- Automatic data reporting formats
- Data can be collected with the help of serial numbers from sample bulbs
- High sensitivity to <10 ppm in a sealed package at 10 mbar