Equipped with a power digital closed-loop controller, ADMET eXpert 4000 MicroTester is a mini tester that can also adapt to many microscope stages. eXpert 4000 series are available with force capacities up to 5kN (1,125lbf), optional crosshead strokes, testing speeds, thermoelectric heaters and coolers.
Various types of clamps and fixtures are also available for testing materials and devices in a variety of applications including: biomaterials, wire, textiles, elastomers, plastics, films, and metals.
Each system can be programmed to perform simple force or displacement control tests to failure or more sophisticated long term ramp and hold or cyclic control profiles. The cyclic control profile makes it possible to perform low cycle (<3Hz) fatigue tests.
- Taller, shorter, wider, faster slower: eXpert 4000 systems are custom built to satisfy your testing requirements.
- Exceeds all ASTM/ISO accuracy requirements.
- Fastest in the industry, an 8kHz servo loop rate ensures accurate, repeatable, and reliable testing.
- All testing systems are made in the USA and are supported for life.
All ADMET Testing Machines can be equipped with one of two closed loop servo controllers. MTESTQuattro, our most advanced testing system, is a PC-based controller that offers a wide range of flexibility in control, data acquisition, analysis, and report. The eP2 digital controller, a standalone touch panel unit, offers a balance between performance and simplicity. Both controllers feature 8kHz servo update periods and programmable log rates to 1kHz.