Layerava from Okyay Tech is an adaptable research device designed for university and industrial research laboratories that use Hollow Cathode Plasma Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition (HCP-ALD).
Layerava is a PEALD + Thermal ALD platform. In addition to thermal energy, plasma offers an additional energy source for ALD surface reactions. With the addition of different neutral radicals and ion species, the range of available chemistries expands, resulting in denser film deposition.

Image Credit: Okyaytech Ald
The Layerava platform has distinct advantages in growing III-Nitrides (GaN, AlN, InN, BN, TiN, and so on) with ultra-low oxygen contamination in III-Nitride films. The patented large-area hollow cathode plasma (HCP) and sleek reactor design enable the finest quality as-grown III-Nitrides with the lowest reported Oxygen content in literature.
Due to its patented reactor design, Okyay Tech's recipe does not require corrosive gases such as NH3 for the growth of III-Nitride films, but only common gases such as N2, H2 and Ar. With such a high-efficiency reactor design and the hollow cathode plasma source, polycrystalline III-Nitride films can be grown at temperatures as low as 200 ºC.
Layerava’s distinctive features are also producing incredible results in the growth of metal-oxide layers. The in-situ plasma annealing feature was demonstrated to achieve as-deposited beta-phase Ga2O3 at temperatures as low as 200 ºC.
Image Credit: Okyaytech Ald
- Reactor chamber made of stainless steel
- RF power supply and automatic matching network
- MFC regulated four plasma process gas lines (N2, H2, O2, Ar)
- MKS MFC-controlled carrier gas
- Substrate sizes: 100 mm, 200 mm
- 250 ºC substrate heating (320 ºC optional)
- Swagelok high-speed ALD valves (4–8 ports)
- Convection-improved Pirani vacuum gauge
- Completely automated with recipe control
- World-class scientific support team and recipe library
- MKS pneumatic isolation valve
- Simple graphical user interface

Image Credit: Okyaytech Ald
- Powder ALD kit with rotating canister, conformal coating of granular substrates
- Glovebox integration
- Ozone (O3) process kit, completely recipe-integrated and computer regulated
- Low vapor pressure chemical delivery upgrade
- Precursor cooling
- Dome-lid for 3D objects and non-standard substrates
- In-situ QCM thickness monitor
- In-situ ellipsometer metrology upgrade
- Custom vacuum ports for in-situ RGA and IR spectroscopy

Image Credit: Okyaytech Ald