Professor in Materials Science
Riga Technical University
[email protected]
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Production, characterisation and metallography of thermally sprayed coatings. Particular emphasis on biomedical materials produced by thermal spraying. A study of material behaviour in the human body that will lead to an effective design to optimise tissue response.
Major Qualifications
Ph D (Materials Science and Engineering.) 1996
M Eng Sci (Enginering) 1991
B Eng 1987
GCHE (Education) 2000
Major Publications
1. Gross KA and Kovalevskis A. J Thermal Spray Technology 5(4) 469-75, 1996.
2. Gross KA et al. In vitro changes of hydroxyapatite coatings. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 12(5) 589-597, 1997.
3. Gross KA et al., Formation of the amorphous phase in hydroxyapatite coatings. J Biomed Mater Res, 39(3) 407-414, 1998.
4. Gross KA et al., Variability of hydroxyapatite coated dental implants. Int J Oral and Maxillofac Implants 13(5), 601-610, 1998.
5. Sun L, Berndt CC, Kucuk A, Gross KA. Review - Material fundamentals and clinical performance of plasma sprayed hydroxyapatite coatings. A Appl Biomaterials, 2001.
Professional Institution Membership
Thermal Spray Society (and committee member)
American Materials Society
Institute of Metals and Materials, Australasia
Australasia Society for Biomaterials
International Review Board for the Journal of Thermal Spray
Significant Employment History
Riga Technical University 91-92
Technical university of Aachen, Germany 1991
SUNY at Stony Brook, USA 1992-95
Tampere Uni of Technol, Finland, 1996
University of Limoges, France, 1996
University of Technology, Sydney 1997-1998
Monash University, 1998-present
Services Offered
Teaching short courses in thermal spraying (theory, metallography, mechanical testing, spraying)
Consulting particularly on biomedical materials
Commercial Details
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