Silicon Nitride Windows Permit Observation of Quantum Fluctuations

Norcada Inc., a MEMS product development company, announced today that reports out of Yale University show successful Q-factor results for Norcada’s silicon nitride membrane windows.

A recently published study by a group of physicists at Yale University reported extremely high Q-factors (1.2x10E7 at 0.3 K) for Norcada’s nitride membrane windows. The high mechanical Q-factor and low optical loss of the silicon nitride windows were key factors cited in the report for enabling potential observation of quantum fluctuations.

Silicon nitride membrane windows are typically used as sample support or holding cells in UV, IR, and X-ray Spectroscopy studies of materials owing to their ability to offer high mechanical strength with nanometer scale thickness. More recently, the silicon nitride windows are also finding increased applications in nano mechanical studies where high mechanical Q-factors are extremely important.

“Norcada is excited about the role its nitride windows played in this ground breaking study” said Yuebin Ning, VP R&D of Norcada. “The report findings are another example of the high quality of Norcada’s silicon nitride membrane windows.”

The study appeared in the March 6, 2008 issue of Nature (Vol 452, March 6, 2008). A similar study focusing on the mechanical and optical properties of the silicon nitride membranes was also reported by the same group which appeared in Applied Physics Letters (online version) in March 2008 (APL 92, 103125, 2008).

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