Aug 6 2008
As of August 1 this year, Buss AG not only develops and manufactures large CP Kneaders – for compounding anode paste used in aluminium production – but also markets and services them directly again. Buss had some very good strategic reasons for reassuming CP Kneader marketing and service:
- BUSS supplies the entire market – which due to a change of strategy by the former marketing partner would not have been assured.
- The core business remains CP Kneader production and further development. BUSS will apply technological advances in plastics compounding to anode paste compounding, thus enabling considerably greater throughputs.
- Directly in the hands of BUSS, service and maintenance are faster and more efficient. As before, anode paste producers can rely at all times on uninterrupted 24/7 operation, thanks to the extensive network of BUSS service centres and a spare parts warehouse guaranteeing short-term delivery of critical components.
View into the opened compounding chamber of a CP Kneader with 600 mm screw
diameter. All components in contact with the highly abrasive anode paste – used for
aluminium electrolysis – are thickly armour-plated to ensure a long operating life.
Photo: Buss AG, Pratteln, Switzerland
With CP Kneader marketing, manufacturing and service all in-house, BUSS can now respond immediately to the aluminium industry’s needs and demands. Furthermore, BUSS will continue expanding its global technology leadership and market share – already about 70 % among the leading manufacturers of anode paste compounding systems.
BUSS marketing will now focus more than before on the strengths of the CP Kneader – above all on the decisive advantage of high availability thanks to the outstanding reliability of this robust machine. Fast and efficient service by the BUSS local centres upholds this advantage still further.
Apart from CP Kneaders themselves, BUSS can also supply all the upstream and downstream equipment required for various applications. To this purpose BUSS works with independent external partners well versed and highly experienced in anode paste production.
Almost sixty years ago Buss AG first developed the CP Kneader for compounding calcinated petroleum coke with pitch into the high quality anode paste required for aluminium electrolysis. Since then BUSS has accumulated comprehensive compounding process and engineering know-how in CP Kneader production. The aluminium industry can rely all the more on BUSS as a strong and independent partner, not least because the CP Kneader’s superlative reputation in process technology is backed by the world-famous “made in Switzerland” quality brand.
For more information on aluminium, click here.