Service Notes on Micro Determination of Sulfur Content Available from Warwick Analytical Service

Warwick Analytical Service has announced the availability of a new analytical service note describing the company's laboratory analytical testing methods for micro determination of Sulphur.

The Analytical Service Note facility on was set up to give scientist's useful information on a wide range of commonly used laboratory analytical testing methods. Each Analytical Service Note, available as a pdf download, includes a background to the laboratory analytical test, typical sample requirements, an overview of the analytical methodology used and typical results achievable by Warwick Analytical Service.

Offered by Warwick Analytical Service (WAS) as an analytical service, analysis of Sulphur is carried out by combustion of an accurately weighed sample in a silica oxygen flask over an accurately measured volume of aqueous peroxide solution. Combustion of the sample in oxygen yields water-soluble inorganic compounds. Percentage Sulphur is determined by titration with Barium Perchlorate using Thorin screened with Methylene Blue as an indicator. Sets of work typically include certified reference materials or organic analytical standards to monitor detection trends in the method.

Operating in an ISO 17025 and GMP accredited environment, Warwick Analytical Service has developed proprietary analytical procedures to enable accurate and precise data to be produced for all types of samples including samples with trace levels of Sulphur. From extensive method validation typical results are within the ±0.3% absolute limits considered acceptable for micro chemical analysis. The WAS method has been fully validated and is linear from 0.006mg to 1mg Sulphur. WAS has developed special procedures to remove interferences from samples containing Fluorine, Chromium, Arsenic and metals.

The accurate micro determination of Sulphur in organic and inorganic compounds is of significant interest to a wide array of industries including chemicals, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, biotech, environmental monitoring and geochemistry.

Warwick Analytical Service, a division of Exeter Analytical (UK) Ltd., is a GMP accredited company dedicated to providing analytical excellence at a realistic cost. Through experienced staff, the latest analytical instrumentation and working closely with clients - Warwick Analytical Service has established a strong reputation for informed personal service and delivering top quality data on time. Operating from a dedicated facility approved to BSI ISO 9001 and with a wide range of analytical techniques accredited to UKAS ISO17025 - WAS has become the trusted analytical services provider for a growing number of UK and international businesses. From its modern, well-equipped facility in Coventry, UK - Warwick Analytical Services offers a wide range of analytical techniques including elemental analysis (ICP, CHNS, Halogen analysis), Optical Rotation, NMR, MS, FT-IR, Thermal Analysis and Particle sizing on a contract basis.

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