Jan 9 2009
Telford based MKS Instruments UK manufacture and assemble Ultra High Vacuum (UHV) components for scientific industry. Cleanliness is a critical element of the MKS process, and here ELGA Process Water’s Service De-Ionisation (SDI) has a key strategical role.
The MKS Instruments resources include the latest CNC machinery and CADCAM systems. Prior to assembly all components are cleaned by a fully automated aqueous cleaning plant.
MKS Instruments move from traditional solvent cleaning methods to an aqueous based system has been driven by EU Directives which require safer and more environmentally friendly processes.
MKS Instruments worked in conjunction with ELGA Process Water to upgrade the quality of their deionised water and its cleaning potential. Like many other companies faced with the need to provide deionised water, they opted for service exchange cylinders. ELGA Process Water supplies them with a cylinder containing mixed bed ion exchange resins which is simply connected to a closed loop system to produce high purity deionised water. When the resins are exhausted, ELGA Process Water delivers a replacement cylinder and returns the exhausted one to their regeneration station.
“We sought technical assistance in improving our water quality,” says Engineer Giles Corbett. “ELGA Process Water delivered an appropriate modification plan with the products to match. As a result, the system now generates 18.1MO.cm water quality by using two nuclear grade resin cylinders in series.”