Jun 22 2009
A piezoelectric multilayer multidirectional bending actuator from Noliac provided tactile stimuli to the rat vibrissae using a new rat whisker stimulator. The results indicate that the system extracts collective properties of a tactile scene.
Together with three colleagues, Dr. Shulz of Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique in France (U.N.I.C. Laboratory) has studied the brain responses to the stimulation of rat whiskers and published in Neuron (Cell Press) the article: "Emergent Properties of Tactile Scenes Selectively Activate Barrel Cortex Neurons".
Sensing through facial vibrissae
Dr. Shulz explains: - Rats discriminate objects by scanning their surface with the facial vibrissae, producing spatiotemporally complex sequences of tactile contacts. The way in which the somatosensory cortex responds to these complex multivibrissal stimuli has not been explored.
With piezoelectric elements, Dr. Shulz and his colleagues delivered tactile stimuli to the rat vibrissae using a new 24 whisker stimulator. Noliac's multilayer bending piezo actuator was the only multidirectional bender used.
Benders for experimental use
Multidirectional piezo benders may be used for many different experiments like mechanically deflecting rats' whiskers. Noliac has the capability of developing and manufacturing the bender according to your specifications and requirements.
Any future development of these devices for other customers will be subject to authorisation under a license agreement with Noliac's customer.
Bending mode actuators
Bending mode actuators utilize the expansion and contraction of two or more sections of piezoelectric material glued or cofired together. Bending mode actuators are typically configured as rectangular beams, rings or discs. The available deformation and force is dependent on dimensions of the actuator.