Carbon nanotubes Used to for Water Purification

Research Triangle Park-based Cnanoz Inc. unveiled the first energy-efficient, single-treatment water purification system NanoPure developed from carbon nanotubes to Andhra Pradesh, Minister of Rural Water Supply, Hon. Minister Viswarup and other leaders in Hyderabad, India recently.

Initial tests, performed at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur, confirmed that the majority of the drinking water available in India contains toxins that can be extremely hazardous to human health. The technology developed in collaboration with IIT Kanpur and North Carolina-based Cnanoz can remove harmful pathogens and toxic ingredients, such as Arsenic, Fluoride, Lead, Cadmium, DDT, hydrocarbon wastes and nitrates in an eco-friendly and economical way. Drinking water contaminated with toxic chemicals over an extended period of time can promote harmful gene mutations that can cause neurological disorders, mental and physical disabilities. The preventive aspect of the filtration system can have a significant positive impact to improve public health survival and reduce health care costs.

Hon. Minister Viswarup stated, "The organic system would be very helpful to protect many of the communities that have toxic-contaminated water supply." The Indian government is considering the new technology to provide safe drinking water to their citizens for pennies per day and protect them from harmful water-borne diseases and toxic chemicals.

S. Wajahat Ali, President and CEO of Cnanoz Inc., stated, "The Nano Water Purification System has tremendous promise for eco-friendly preservation and purification of the world's limited water supply, introducing an entirely new biotech production field needed for today's economy." Cnanoz Inc., located at Research Triangle Park (RTP), is an advanced materials innovator and manufacturer focused on the development of carbon nanotechnology-enabled products for water purification and composite fibers. These innovative products are eco friendly and require low energy consumption.

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