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Push to Commercialise Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies in Denmark

Danish industrial players have expressed a strong need for support in the process to push fuel cell and hydrogen technologies from the research and development stage into the commercial domain. Risø DTU has now with Danish Gas Technology Center (DGC) as partner received support from the Danish Programme for Energy Technology Development and Demonstration (EUPD) to initialize a center which will eventually support industry with test, development, analysis, approval, certification, consultation, and training in the areas of fuel cell and hydrogen technologies.

The current EUDP-project runs over a period of two years with Anke Hagen, Risø, as project manager and has the aim to initialize the center. The project also includes start-up of first activities. These will focus on the development of accelerated lifetime tests of fuel cell systems, preparations for standardization of these methods, and advising in relation to certification and approval of fuel cell systems and will be carried out at Risø DTU and DGC in close cooperation with industry, specifically, Topsoe Fuel Cell A/S (TOFC).

Already at this stage, the further development of the center over a 5-6 years horizon has been addressed and outlined, including the needed means.

The ultimate goal for the center is to become an accepted one-stop-shopping for all needed services in relation to fuel cell and hydrogen technologies. The related activities will be shared between the partners in the center, which are currently Risø DTU and DGC, where Risø for example will carry out advanced testing and microscopy while examples for DGC's activities are standardization and approval.

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