Beneq to Take Atomic Layer Deposition Roll-to-Roll

In the wake of the breaking news of new findings in barrier coatings manufactured by atomic layer deposition (ALD), Beneq is developing the equipment that will take ALD firmly into the field of Roll-to-Roll industrial production. Beneq already offers the world's first and only research equipment for continuous ALD (CALD), the TFS 200R Thin Film System.

In an article published by the Finnish Broadcasting Company (YLE), research scientist Terhi Hirvikorpi tells about superior barrier layer properties enabled by ALD: "ALD-coating has the potential to reduce the need of aluminum in juice cartons by more than 99%". The thin film coating applied by ALD efficiently replaces the need for the present solution, which is a thick layer of aluminum on the inside of the carton.

This aluminum layer has for long been the only material suitable for an industrially manufactured moisture and diffusion barrier. The substrate materials used in the research project were similar to those used in foodstuff and pharmaceutical packing. On the pharmaceutical packing front, solutions have long been sought for to replace the aluminum lidding in unit-dose blister packs for tablets and capsules. The ALD results presented by Hirvikorpi and team present a firm step towards a solution.

In 2009, Beneq introduced the world's first commercially available ALD system for Roll-to-Roll research and CALD. The unit is an important link in taking ALD to yet new markets and applications. Beneq is heavily engaged in all ALD development, both equipment and applications, and is with the TFS 200R, among others, at the forefront of industrial ALD implementation. Recent equipment deliveries to the solar and flexible electronics industry have laid a solid foundation of experience and know-how to build on, both inside Beneq and in helping our customer to draw the full benefit of ALD.

Read the original article by YLE News/Arto Nummi (in Finnish).

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