Apr 12 2010
At PTXi 2010 (4-6 May; Rosemont IL, USA) Freeman Technology will present a new reference standard for use with the company's FT4 powder tester. The FT4 uses patented dynamic methodology, a fully automated shear cell and several bulk property tests, including density, compressibility and permeability to quantify powder properties in terms of flow and processability.
In combination with defined test methodologies, the new reference standard, a stable fine limestone (CRM116/BCR116), enables users to verify the long term performance of the FT4 in line with their own laboratory practices.
CRM116/BCR116 is a limestone supplied by the EU Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements, for which there already exists calibration data for shear testing. Test protocols and acceptable results ranges for dynamic, shear and bulk property measurement (compressibility and permeability) have now also been established. Testing the performance of the FT4 is simply a matter of running the automated test sequence and comparing the data generated.

The CRM116 limestone is a cohesive powder with a mean diameter of around four microns. Although normally available in three kilogram batches Freeman Technology will supply much smaller aliquots for routine calibration