Nanocomp Technologies Recognized or Commercialization of Carbon Nanotube Materials

Nanocomp Technologies, Inc., a developer of performance materials and component products from carbon nanotubes (CNTs), today announced that the company's steady progress in commercializing nanotube materials was presented as a success case in the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology's (PCAST) "Report to the President and Congress on the Third Assessment of the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI)."

The report delivered recommendations from leading academics and industry executives for maintaining the United States' leadership position in nanotechnology research and commercialization.

The report specifically discussed Nanocomp's light weight CNT wiring and body armor as a technology that has "matured beyond early stages of development and represents significant progress toward the goal of delivering commercially consequential technology."

"This is a proud day for Nanocomp, and for the wider promise that nanotube technology brings to global defense and industry," said Peter Antoinette, president and C.E.O. of Nanocomp Technologies. "From day one, our vision has been not only to provide a novel material technology that outperforms existing alternatives, but also to lay down a meaningful path to commercial delivery. As we turn our attention to scaling-up production, this recognition from the leaders of our nation is an incredible milestone."

PCAST is comprised of the nation's most prominent engineers from academia and industry to advise President Obama and the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP). The NNI was established by the Clinton Administration as a government program to review research & development, education, health & safety, societal impact and commercialization of nanotechnology.

Nanocomp is the country's only manufacturer of industry-ready pure carbon nanotube products. The company last year announced its capability to deliver 4-foot by 8-foot CNT mats, the only such products of their kind in the world.

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