TenCate Geosynthetics introduces in North America the new roadway reinforcement product TenCate Mirafi® RS580i, a highly engineered geosynthetic product for base reinforcement and subgrade stabilization.
This new, game changing, high-strength geosynthetic provides excellent reinforcement and base course confinement integrated with high water flow and soil retention capabilities.
TenCate Mirafi® RS580i integrates the five main properties needed for successful performance in roadways: separation, reinforcement, confinement, filtration and product identification. The double layer construction provides excellent filtration and drainage, while the uniform openings provide the consistent filtration and flow characteristics of a fine to coarse sand layer. The unique orange color pattern distinguishes TenCate Mirafi® RS580i from standard black geotextiles. This new roadway reinforcement product of TenCate Geosynthetics integrates high tensile modulus properties with excellent soil and base course confinement, to provide excellent load distribution, durability and resistance to damage from moderate to severe stress installations.
With over 30 years of research experience in roadway reinforcement, TenCate Geosynthetics is the leader in developing products with specific properties necessary for superb performance in base reinforcement and subgrade stabilization applications. “Our product development team developed the perfect geosynthetic that would maximize performance while reducing costs for base reinforcement and subgrade stabilization applications. They reviewed many years of research and created a unique manufacturing process that would fully integrate the important performance properties into one geosynthetic. We are excited to introduce TenCate Mirafi® RS580i, a product we feel will change the way engineers design roadways”, stated Brett Odgers, Market Manager of Roadway Reinforcement at TenCate Geosynthetics in Pendergrass (GA). “Our new, patent pending product will be available through our many distribution partners in a variety of roll sizes to fit specifications for roads, railways, haul roads or embankment projects. Additionally, panels of Mirafi® RS580i can be seamed in the factory or field, providing cross-roll direction strength to facilitate efficient installation.”