Contour Energy Systems to Adopt MIT’s Technology for Future Lithium-Ion Batteries

Contour Energy Systems, Inc. an innovative portable power company commercializing next-generation battery systems, today announced the acquisition of a breakthrough carbon nanotube technology that can dramatically improve the power capability of lithium-ion batteries, through an exclusive technology licensing agreement with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Early findings from researchers at MIT confirm that using carbon nanotubes for battery electrodes can produce a tenfold increase in the amount of power that can be delivered from a given weight of material when compared to a conventional lithium-ion battery, and this performance can be sustained across thousands of charge-discharge cycles.

“The carbon nanotube technology that we’re adding to our IP portfolio has broad market implications,” said Dr. Simon Jones, director of research and development at Contour Energy Systems. “We will apply this game-changing material to our next-generation line of batteries designed to address the longevity and power density requirements for a wide range of applications in portable devices spanning automotive, industrial, medical, military and consumer electronics markets.”

Understanding the Carbon Nanotube Breakthrough

Three basic components make up lithium-ion batteries: two electrodes (the anode—or negative electrode—and the cathode, or positive electrode) and an electrolyte that allows charged ions to flow between the electrodes during charge or discharge.

In the new battery electrode being developed by Contour Energy Systems based on the MIT technology, carbon nanotubes—sheets of pure carbon atoms rolled up into tiny tubes—“self assemble” through a controlled deposition process driven by electrostatic interactions into a tightly bound structure that is porous at the nanometer scale (billionths of a meter).

“These carbon nanotubes contain numerous functional groups on their surfaces that can store a large number of lithium ions per unit mass,” says Professor Shao-Horn of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering at MIT. As a result, “for the first time, carbon nanotubes can serve as the cathode in lithium-ion batteries, instead of the traditional role that carbon materials have played as the anode in such systems. This lithium storage reaction on the surface of carbon nanotubes is much faster than conventional lithium intercalation reactions, so can deliver high power.”

“The ‘electrostatic self-assembly’ process is important,” says Dr. Paula Hammond, Bayer Chair Professor of Chemical Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “Ordinarily, carbon nanotubes deposited on a surface tend to clump together in bundles leaving fewer exposed surfaces to undergo reactions. We’ve discovered that by integrating charged molecules on the nanotubes, they can assemble in a way that produces a highly porous electrode resulting in a greater number of nanotubes accessible for Li-ion storage and release.”

In terms of what this means for lithium-ion battery performance, the new material can produce very high power outputs in short bursts and steady, lower power for long periods. The energy output for a given weight of this new electrode material is over five times greater than for conventional electrochemical capacitors while the total power delivery capability approaches 10 times that of lithium-ion batteries.

In addition to their high power output, the carbon nanotube electrodes demonstrate very good stability over time. After 1,000 cycles of charging and discharging a test battery there was no detectable change in the material's performance.

“It’s gratifying to see that the extensive research we’ve done on carbon nanotubes is being commercialized through our technical licensing agreement with Contour Energy Systems,” said Professor Shao-Horn. “By dramatically improving the power density of lithium-ion batteries, carbon nanotube technology will pave the way to new and improved portable power applications.”

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