announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue: Phthalic Anhydride: World Market Outlook And Forecast.
The report analyzes worldwide markets for Phthalic anhydride, including Europe, Asia, Middle East, North America and Latin America. It provides the most complete and current analytical account of the following areas: Phthalic anhydride producers, plant-by-plant capacities, supply/demand, future demand trend forecasts, Phthalic anhydride prices, international trade, upcoming projects. Production by company, demand estimation, Phthalic anhydride imports and exports are presented for each country.
The report also provides perspective information for the mentioned market till 2015.
The study includes profiles of major producers, Phthalic anhydride suppliers with contact details.
The report covers 5 year price data (2005-2009) and features regional trade statistics (2005-2008).
The report was worked out regarding the current economic situation caused by financial crisis. Market trends and expectations were reconsidered with respect to the present conditions.