Nov 18 2010
Before being able to sell consumer goods in Europe, it must be proven indisputably that the goods do not exceed harmful substance limiting values defined in the RoHS and REACH directives. High fines can be expected if this proof is missing - and EU-wide prohibition of import and trade.
To provide this proof, manufacturers, importers, and traders must seamlessly analyze outgoing wares - or meticulously monitor products obtained from their suppliers. In either case, they need to be able to rely on effective elemental analysis.
Energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDXRF) is one of the most efficient analytical procedures for this purpose: It enables rapid, non-destructive screening, which clearly and reliably determines whether products are RoHS and REACH-conforming or not; making many complicated laboratory examinations superfluous.
In two current white papers, we've documented just how reliably such RoHS and REACH screenings can be performed with the SPECTRO xSORT handheld XRF instrument:
- In the white paper "Elemental Compliance Screening with XRF," we've summarized the worldwide most important norms and harmful substance limits - and show you how well the SPECTRO xSORT can differentiate between compromised and non-compromised samples with examples of test series.
- The white paper "SVHC Elemental Screening with XRF" is completely devoted to REACH, the new European chemical guideline, and the Substances of Very High Concern regulated in it. We explain how you can reliably recognize these chemical compounds with the SPECTRO xSORT by measuring so-called tracer elements.
Sound interesting? You can download both white papers at - free-of-charge