Flame Seal Restarts Sales to Spray Foam Insulation Industry

Flame Seal Products Inc. (Pink Sheets: FLMP), as a direct result of its market awareness campaign, has begun to see a major turn-around in sales as word spreads throughout the Spray Foam Insulation industry, verifying the fact that Flame Seal-TB is in fact the only coating that legitimately satisfies the code requirements for a Thermal Barrier.

A word from the President:

“After a long, hard fought battle against the proliferation of misleading information, which had stalled sales to the foam insulation industry for several months, Flame Seal is now receiving the recognition it deserves, and is at last taking its rightful place in this very important market. As mentioned in past PR, the size of this market is greater than $50 Million annually, and we have re-affirmed our position as its only player. Now that we have overcome the roadblocks that had slowed us down, we plan to make the most of this huge opportunity this coming year, as the industry reverts entirely back to our product.

“Due to the stresses on our finances and our time, fighting difficult ‘information’ battles in this market, leading investigations of a dangerous competitor’s product, and training sales and application personnel all over the country, I have not been able to get our business reports out yet. However, in the mean time, I provide the following key elements of that report …

“We have seen the good, the bad, the ugly, and finally … the ‘excellent’, in that order, and all this year. First quarter sales were $448,389, and growing, when this problem within the market began. By second quarter, sales were severely hampered by the misinformation that was promoted by a competitor trying to keep us from our market, while they sold an ‘illegitimate’ product to an unsuspecting public. Thus they were confusing the marketplace, and our sales dropped to $124,855. The third quarter saw more erosion as the battle over these false promotional materials increased in intensity, resulting in sales of $111,326. But … as Flame Seal began to win the battle over ‘truth in advertising’, sales have come back in earnest in the last two months of the year. As a result, Fourth Quarter sales are $475,276.

“The most significant indicator is the fact that sales to the Foam Insulation market was $28,800 in November, and $321,910 in December! We have just gotten word that several major players in that industry are abandoning the ‘competitor’, which will divert those misguided sales to us as well. Flame Seal should be back on our original track, probably more, continuing into the First Quarter of 2011. After winning over the market in such convincing fashion this year, Flame Seal has developed a reputation as the ‘dependable’, ‘honest’, ‘go to’ group that we here at headquarters know we truly are! Further, we helped avert the widespread use of an illegitimate product that would eventually have resulted in harm to the general public. Interestingly, this result is at the core of our ‘Mission’ here at Flame Seal!

“Now we are beginning to make plans that are more ‘normal’ marketing and sales plans, to take and serve this very significant market place, to the benefit of all.

“On another subject, we are seeing an incredible, new, higher level of structure and organization globally within Buckman that will reveal itself within a few weeks. I will elaborate after the Holidays.

“It has been a very stressful year, both on a personal and business level. I am getting my eyes fixed December 29, now that the Company is good to go. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and I will be in regular communication with you all ‘next year.’ ” Michael Kiser

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