Mar 22 2005
The American Stock Exchange (Amex) announced that it will launch trading in options on Tuesday, March 22, 2005 on the Nasdaq Stock Market listed stock of Cepheid (Stock Symbol: CPHD/Option Symbol: QHY)
Cepheid options will open with position limits of 3,150,000 shares. The options will trade on the March expiration cycle. The specialist will be TANSTAAFL Research & Trading, LLC.
Cepheid develops, manufactures and markets microfluidic systems for analyzing nucleic acids in blood, urine and other substances. The Company's technology is designed to detect infinitesimal amounts of disease-causing agents and contaminants in food and water and purify DNA and perform genetic profiling.
The American Stock Exchange (Amex) is the only primary exchange that offers trading across a full range of equities, options and exchange traded funds (ETFs), including structured products and HOLDRS(SM). In addition to its role as a national equities market, the Amex is the pioneer of the ETF, responsible for bringing the first domestic product to market in 1993. Leading the industry in ETF listings, the Amex lists 155 ETFs.