May 1 2011
PolyOne Corporation (NYSE: POL), a premier global provider of specialized polymer materials, services and solutions, is chairing the technical session "Emerging Technology Forum on Advances in Anti-Microbial Technologies for Plastics" during ANTEC 2011. Held annually by the Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE), ANTEC is one of the world's largest plastics technical conferences, and is considered the preeminent forum in the plastics industry for presenting cutting-edge advances and information.
"PolyOne is an industry leader in innovating antimicrobial additives that are used in consumer goods, healthcare and packaging applications," said Dr. Cecil C. Chappelow, vice president, innovation and sustainability and chief innovation officer. "This conference features both future and commercially available technologies from PolyOne that are formulated to give manufacturers and processors a competitive advantage."
PolyOne will present the paper "Antimicrobials: An Overview of Technologies and Needs" during the session, which explores the latest developments in antimicrobials, test protocols, and current successes with this emerging class of additives.