LECO Corporation invites Pittcon attendees to learn more about the company’s instrumentation for elemental analysis and separation science.
Stop by to see the latest updates for the following LECO products:
- 844 Series Carbon/Sulfur
- 836 Series Oxygen/Nitrogen/Hydrogen
- 628 Series Carbon/Hydrogen/Nitrogen with Sulfur and Micro Oxygen Capabilities
- TruMac® Series Carbon/Nitrogen/Sulfur Macro
- TGA701 Thermogravimetric Analyzer
- AC600 Semi-Automatic Isoperibol Calorimeter
- Pegasus® GC-HRT (High Resolution TOFMS)
- Pegasus 4D GCxGC-TOFMS
- Pegasus HT GC-TOFMS
- Citius® LC-HRT (High Resolution TOFMS)
In addition, LECO will contribute oral and poster presentations covering such diverse applications as life sciences, environmental, food, and energy/fuels. For information on LECO-affiliated talks and presentations, please see any booth representative, or visit our newly-designed website at www.leco.com/pittcon.