SASAM Calls for New Inputs on Additional Industries in Standardization Initiative

In the event it arose the urgent need for standardization concerning applications in aviation industries and the role of ASTM in this matter, which accounts for 5 working groups to set industry standards related to testing methods, design, materials & processes, ISO Tag & terminology.

This was carried out within the third general meeting of SASAM project, whose aim is to establish the Roadmap to achieve the effective standardization of AM technologies within European industry. With the aim of being representative for all industries, the integration of the opinion of all stakeholders is a must. Although some related work has been carried out, the consortium is asking for new inputs on additional industries which can provide them by just filling in a simple questionnaire. You can participate by contacting back to the contact below.

Once the roadmap is implemented and relevant information on other related roadmaps considered, SASAMs roadmap will be published and open for public feedback. Among others, the European Standards Organization CEN will actively support this project by organizing two open events where stakeholders will meet to discuss AM standardization needs. The European Commission has kindly offered to host the first one within the 12th AM-Platform meeting in Brussels on Thursday June 13th 2013.

Scott Johnston, member of Boeing Research & Technology on Direct Digital Manufacturing establishes that “Industry appreciates the unique collaboration on standards development for AM between the different standardization organizations (ASTM, ISO, VDI, Etc.) as the lack of availability of Standards is hindering the widespread implementation of AM technologies in mainstream manufacturing.”

With this aim, the meeting accounted with some other special guest as two members of the ASTM, a member of EOS, a member of VTT/ Univ. Louisville and last but not least a member of the European Commission in order to involve since the very first a broad range of stakeholders and End user.

This project, supported by the European Commission within a NMP-SA-2012-319167 (G.A II.30.4), has a duration of18 months. It is lead by TNO and participated by 18 partners of the size of Siemens, SINTEF or CETIM, several research organisations like SIRRIS (B), University of Loughborough (GB), or inspire (CH), and several national standardization organisms from The Netherlands (NEN), France (UNM) and Sweden (SIS).

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